How to fix bad credit

Public filings for credit repair: Here is a situation that is not uncommon these days: An individual has a couple of max credit cards and some collection accounts. The accumulated debt is not large enough to file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy should be the last option…

When funny cars had names

There was a time when a catchy name was just as important to a funny car driver as a supercharger and a nitro. A car wouldn’t run faster with a memorable name, but it did secure profitable reserves for match races. Match racing paid the…

Following Foucault

Howard richards. Following Foucault: The Trail of the Fox. Cape Town: Sun Press, 2018. ISBN 978-1-928357-62-9, 978-1-928357-63-6 (e-book). Pages: 267. Cost is not mentioned. The book is the printed form of a collection of lectures given by Howard Richards in Pretoria, South Africa, back in…