The Nubian goat is one of the most interesting goats in the world. This breed of goat is native to North Africa and the Middle East. There is also an Anglo-Nubian race that first developed in England. Some of the distinctive features of the Nubian goat include large floppy ears and an aquiline nose. If you are looking to raise goats as pets or as a source of income, this article provides some of the benefits that you may enjoy if you are raising Nubian goats.

Compared to most dairy goat breeds, this type is quite large. This is perhaps one of the main reasons many professional breeders consider breeding Nubian goats. The Nubian male is typically 35 inches tall. Meanwhile, the Nubian female is typically 30 inches tall. Its body takes on an elegant appearance through its short, shiny and fine coat, which can be of any color.


Due to its size, this breed is also known to be incredibly hardy. On the one hand, they have the ability to withstand extreme temperatures; they can withstand very hot and very cold climates. Other breeds of goats are likely to suffer from various diseases when the temperature drops below zero degrees Celsius.

More meat and milk

Also due to their size, Nubian goats offer more meat. In general, goats are known to have leaner meat compared to cows and pigs. Furthermore, with more meat, Nubian goats can also produce more milk. Goat milk is prized for its creaminess and smoothness. It is used to make cheese and butter. In fact, based solely on your meat and milk production, raising Nubian goats can give you a higher return on investment. Of course, to be able to enjoy all this, you must pay attention to what your goats eat and drink.

Bigger family

This breed enjoys a longer breeding season, so you will likely have more goats in no time. This means that you will have a larger stock to rely on for meat and milk, allowing you to earn more money from them if you are looking to make a profit. If you are in it for taming purposes, you will have more pets to play with. Either way, you win.

Raising Nubian goats can be a truly satisfying decision. It is important that you consider the facts you have learned about the Nubian breed in this article to apply the correct breeding techniques and raise happy and healthy animals.


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