The wonderful plant called onion has no equal in its many benefits to man. With the scientific name Allium cepa, it has a number of amazing varieties for cooking. Known to all cooks to induce tears, this plant, originally cultivated in Egypt and the Middle East, is unknown in the wild. Botanists speculate that this healing herb has been cultivated for at least 7,000 years.

It comes in different varieties within the species that vary in color, size, and flavor. It ripens and is usually harvested at the end of the first year. Cultivated around the world, its characteristic flavor and smell are derived from the sulfur compound in the bulb.

Although recent studies have shown that adequate concentrations of bioactive compounds are found in the young stem, the medicinal compounds reside in the bulb of the plant. The dried bulbs can be ground into a powder for herbal medicine; however, eating it raw is also of great value.

It is rich in minerals such as: sulfur, iron, potassium, manganese and phosphorus, fluorite and calcium. It also contains vitamins A, B, C and E, flavonoids -which help prevent cancer- and glycoquine (an antidiabetic).

As a vegetable, it can be eaten raw, grated, boiled, or pickled, while it is a favorite condiment in cuisines from Asia to Europe, the Americas, and Africa.

Onion as a medicine is known throughout the world and the ailments it is said to treat are equally numerous.

Consequently, its health benefits are as follows:

The onion cleanses and strengthens the liver and kidneys. It also cleanses the blood. This herb is a natural antibiotic as it strengthens the immune system and keeps diseases at bay. Effectively controls bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, typhoid fever and dysentery; skin infections and blemishes, staphylococci and streptococci that cause inflammation of the genital organs and damage sperm. Can you believe all that?

Additionally, onion essential oils have been shown to be active against a variety of fungal infections such as candida. This yeast actually occurs naturally in the body – yes, this is true – and an overgrowth of this harmful fungus could lead to troublesome skin, urinary, and digestive infections.

The World Health Organization recognizes onion as a folk remedy for health problems such as bruises, colic, colds, and high blood pressure. In addition, it helps men with weak erections or low libido as well as in cases of impotence: onion is rich in enzymes that help in blood production. (Why don’t you take an onion bulb regularly to boost your sex life, huh?)

Onion is considered for therapeutic use in modern medicine, as it has been investigated as a possible medicine for the treatment of diabetes, cancer, and HIV. Blood cells are strengthened when onions are part of the diet, and microorganisms that weaken cells and cause bacterial and viral infections are destroyed. Can you beat that?

When combined with other herbs, it can lower blood sugar levels and thus prevent diabetes. Eating onion regularly is a natural way to lower blood sugar due to its hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic properties.

In fact, the ability of onions to regulate blood sugar in diabetes is supported by clinical evidence. An Indian study of early-stage diabetic patients showed that those who ate more raw onions required significantly fewer antidiabetic drugs to control diabetes.

In addition, onions have been shown to reduce levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood. This is possible because it is rich in fibrinolytic substances that help break up blood clots and prevent coagulation (thickening of the blood).

The anti-inflammatory agents present in onions help to inhibit various inflammatory enzymes; therefore, it successfully treats skin allergies, as well as bronchitis caused by allergies, with ethanol onion extract.

It is no secret that fibroids, tumors such as breast cancer, and infertility among women can be treated with onion, which helps dissolve tumors.

If you lead a hyperactive lifestyle and face stressful situations at work, you may need to regularly include onions in your diet. In today’s world, it is quite obvious that we are exposed to electromagnetic waves such as radio waves and microwaves on a daily basis. Our bodies receive daily doses of this all too common aspect of our lives from electric shavers, television, cell phones, computers, etc. (This is said to be dangerous in high doses.) Not scary!

All it does is affect your brain and cause stress, tiredness, headaches, and insomnia that are only made worse by medications that will only provide temporary relief. Add a few cups of coffee and you’ll find it becomes a cycle you can’t break.

Well here comes the onion to the rescue. Just blend four onion bulbs with a liter of honey. Take three dessert spoons three times a day and it will help reduce the activity of stress-causing agents.

However, onion does have some side effects when used as an herbal remedy. Anyone taking blood-thinning medications or high blood pressure medications should consult a doctor before significantly increasing their intake of this herb.

That onion can treat this voluminous list of diseases and conditions to any extent is skeptical, but some sense can be made if they are grouped into categories corresponding to the modes of action in which onion can provide relief. What this means is that onion could cause a general positive reaction in the body through its action on certain areas of the body promoting recovery in some conditions.

In fact, the onion demonstrates several different modes of action, largely due to the organosulfur compounds it contains.

These actions include:

1. Antimicrobial: bacteria, viruses, fungi

2. Blood sugar regulation

3. Blood thinning

4. Antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory

In short, this vegetable is indispensable in the kitchen. It is used as a sweetener in foods as it contains natural sugars in its bulbs. The health benefits can also be tested by simply adding a few bulbs in large dishes. It is a time-tested plant that is still as important today as it was in ancient times.

A quick tip: when stung by a wasp, cut up an onion and rub it on the skin. you will be glad you did.


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