How to Stop Your Doberman’s Whining

A problem that many Doberman owners share is their frustration and annoyance with excessive whining. Owners often think this trait is cute when they first bring their puppy home. They soon find out that it’s not that cute when their adult Doberman continues to moan.…

Pomeranian Care Tips

Inviting a new puppy home is an exciting time, especially when it comes to a Pomeranian. They are full of sperm and fluff, and are one of the most beloved breeds. Pomeranians require much of the same type of care as other dogs, but there…

Is my dog ​​pregnant?

It’s not always obvious to tell if your dog is pregnant or giving birth (a dog-specific term for giving birth). She won’t be “late” and there aren’t exactly home pregnancy kits you can buy at the drug store for her. Also, it would be pretty…