At what time in your life have you needed to be more persistent? Maybe you’ve been looking for a job, getting a college degree, losing excess weight, training a puppy, raising a child, learning a new skill, writing a book, starting a business, developing a process, working to find sales, searching for something you lost, recovering from an injury, growing a garden, etc. In these examples, there is a difference between simply making something happen in the moment. Everyone has a period of time where a vision or goal is set and regular work is needed to get the desired result.

There are many characteristics and attributes of someone who is persistent: determined, focused, hard-working, confident, motivated, open, adaptable, self-motivated, etc. However, when thinking about what persistence is really about, it is most present when faced with a real challenge that requires a person to go deep within themselves to achieve something that is not easily achieved. Persistence could be summed up in these three keys.

1. Hungry vision. Clear vision or objective of something wanted or imagined.
2. Consistent action. Regularly moving the action forward.
3. Impulse resistant. Pushing through obstacles or overcoming barriers.

First, Hungry Vision. The word vision is often used for a future focus. “What is your vision for the day?” “What is your vision for the organization?” “What is your vision for your children?” “What is your vision for the show?” We often talk about vision as seeing the potential of something in order to design and create it. However, “hungry vision” is a deep inner desire and commitment to achieve something. It is not passively creating. It is not openly rambling. It is not a good intention or an idealistic wish. It is an internal resonance to focus and achieve success or master the challenge. You have to see it clearly. Do you know your “why?” You are clear on what success looks like and you know it will take work. You are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to make this happen. This is the hungry part. It is an ever-present longing that keeps you focused on your vision.

Second, Consistent Action. It’s not a random action, an action when you “feel” like it, or an action when it’s convenient. Rather, and more likely, it is the daily action that is inching toward the goal. An example is the little steps that a baby takes when learning to walk. There is usually failure and setback, but also effort, repetition, intentionality and progress. It doesn’t happen with unpredictable activity. There is a dedicated and committed determination to focus it and move it forward.

Finally, heavy duty unit. There is an old phrase: “Nothing worthwhile comes easy.” There is truth in the belief that what we work hard for has more value. Thinking about your life, what are you most proud of? Consider the things you are given versus the things you had to work for. It required a personal “push” and the ability to “come back” when feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, or overwhelmed. It took a lot of self-talk and confidence to “get back up” and “move on.” We had to overcome obstacles, overcome fears and rise to new heights of personal potential. We had to search and dig for the resolution to end. We have a great sense of achievement for these achievements; they stand out as personal “highs” in our lives due to the significant investment of time, energy, and work. We are proud of the success and that we have truly achieved the vision that was set out.

Persistence is something that can be part of our daily lives. Recently, a retired military leader shared his personal commitment and persistence to get up every day at 4:30 am to run and stay in shape. He doesn’t “have” to do it, but he “wants” to do it because it is part of the discipline of life that he wants to lead.

Persistence is a healthy attitude and energy that we can use for those “big” things, as well as for whatever else we are doing. What would your life look like with deeper resilience? What would you achieve?

With all that said, a note on drive and persistence. Persistent achievers are usually in a constant state of humble learning. However, sometimes persistence can put a nasty twist on “stubborn stubbornness” if one is hijacked by her ego and cannot listen to comments and other perspectives. Sometimes immaturity can misread persistence as permission to rampage and focus very independently on your mission, losing respect for the world and the relationships around you. Stay in a humble state that is open to learning and reflection. This will support you as you move towards the goal. You will then be able to listen and yield to input that will support the sustainability and success of your mission while respecting and staying in synergy with the people around you. Surround yourself with wise mentors and confidants who not only tell you what you want to hear, but also give you candid and honest feedback, even when it’s hard to accept. Sometimes our ego can be blinded by our passion or drive. It is a gift to be redirected and challenged when we are pushing in the wrong direction or on the wrong path. As Anthony J D’Angelo said: “Never let your persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance.”

So, in a spirit of learning and openness, consider what is a noble and hungry vision that you want to aspire to achieve. Determine what consistent action you will need to take to stay on track. Commit yourself and feel in your gut the resilient drive needed to overcome obstacles and stay the course by making wise adjustments along the way to achieve the goal. Enjoy the journey, much of the growth and achievement is in the lessons along the way.


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