Malicious advertisers and media empires are instilling overwhelming and deathly fear in the aging postwar population, and then capitalizing on those often irrational fears by offering increasingly expensive products and services that promise to alleviate the many and varied “Symptoms of diseases and associated diseases”. with aging’. It is lucrative terrorism. I doubt? Turn on your television.

Afraid of the prospect of becoming a ‘burden to your children’? Buy this electric wheelchair. Fear of ‘falling and not being able to get up’? Buy this device that alerts us and never worry again. Worried about your safety living alone? Move into this assisted living facility! ‘You may have (fill in the blank) a disease and not even know it; Have your doctor check you for symptoms today!’

Over the last ten years, television has become saturated with advertisements targeting the aging baby boomer population, using fear-inducing/promoting campaigns that, if left unchecked, may very well consume savings for the retirement that a generation dedicated their lives to securing for themselves. not to mention your peace of mind. Regardless of whose fault it is, Baby Boomers would do well to negate the impact of these underfeds on their bank accounts and minds as soon as possible.

Fear-mongering seems to have come into vogue shortly after the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, when our nation was forced to deal with a real and horrific national crisis. Cable news networks broadcast twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, keeping all listeners fully abreast of all the many dire consequences of those terrorist attacks, and their profits and ratings skyrocketed. . For the media and, more importantly, for advertisers from the lower strata of life, it became clear that instilling fear made big money. Since then, we’ve seen media empires, the pharmaceutical industry, and even our Federal Government turn unhealthy attention on Baby Boomers for a full raid on their bank accounts.

There is hardly a product available on the market today that does not have some kind of alarmism. Makeup products that were once marketed to consumers as a new and improved way to make a great first impression now focus their labels/advertisements on guarantees that their product will hide, disguise or even erase those terrible signs of aging. The pharmaceutical industry churns out ad after ad touting the need for seniors to see their doctors and demand the latest pill, spray or injection that promises to alleviate the ‘debilitating symptoms of diseases associated with aging’. Government officials threaten aging Boomers with ‘Vote for this or that person, or watch your retirement and social security benefits disappear!’

So what can this wealthy (for now) aging population of Baby Boomers do to keep these vultures at bay? Stop falling for these threat-based ads that make you anxious and cause your blood pressure to skyrocket. You’re being attacked from all directions, that’s true, but resisting the urge to worry at just the right moment will pay off—monetarily, physically, and psychologically.

Anyway, what are these products worth to the average sixty-five year old? Baby Boomers aren’t dying en masse, suffering from debilitating diseases, en masse, or rolling on their bathroom floors, in poverty-stricken neighborhoods, carrying their children with cries for help. A generation once known for its ‘if it feels good, do it’ rebelliousness is fast succumbing to an endless barrage of death threats.

Such publicity tactics, many years ago, would have been treated very differently: no doctor would have been allowed to keep their license after going on television to tell a specific group of people that they would die if they didn’t do this or that, take this or that drug, or undergo such and such a test/procedure, if there was no substantial evidence to support the claims made. Today, despite the fact that the drugs offered have not been approved (or even recognized) by the FDA, the actors representing medical professionals recommend products that have been shown to cause life-threatening side effects and that do not even have the expected positive impact on the health problem they seek to address. And despite the constant misrepresentation of studies and research proving products to be completely deadly to humans, it’s all good for the media and its TV advertisers, and the Baby Boomers are buying it.

However, there is a way for Baby Boomers to send a clear message to these bottom-feeder types: They can turn off their televisions and get back to living life to the fullest, sticking a finger in the eye of anyone who dares to threaten their prospects for success. a healthy and golden retirement.

While new technology may seem intimidating, Baby Boomers don’t need to worry that they won’t be able to benefit from it. If watching shows, news, and movies really floats your boat, all you need is a computer and high-speed Internet service (which gets cheaper by the day, due to fierce competition among providers) to enjoy much more of what you’re watching. that has cable television service. been able to provide. That’s right, Baby Boomers can simply turn off their TVs and watch entertainment shows (and movies galore) online for the price they’re already paying for their Internet service.

Websites that offer free shows and movies abound on the Internet. Hulu will even play a series of shows back-to-back, allowing passive viewing of television once it was offered, exclusively. Plus, for less than $20, anyone can buy a special cable and use their latest TVs instead of their computer monitors for an even more enjoyable viewing experience. The total cost for a Boomer who already owns a home computer with high-speed Internet service is $0. – Overtake that!

Ultimately, Baby Boomers will have to make a concerted effort to combat the now-prolific advertising campaigns that seek to terrify them about their future health and well-being. If you are one of the target generation, keep your head up, your money in your pocket, and stick your finger in the eye (figuratively speaking, of course) of anyone making ridiculous promises to reverse the aging process: discourage their children and grandchildren from buying into the hype, too. Make a firm commitment to yourself that you will not be threatened, insulted, or harassed by any malicious product promoter or hysterical media personality for the rest of your life.

Half the things people worry about never happen, so go enjoy your golden years, for God’s sake!


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