I’m sure the most common words in affirmations are all so beautiful.

Like ‘love’, ‘freedom’ and ‘joy’.

And even ‘I’, perhaps the most beautiful word in the English language. You can’t say that without actualizing yourself, drawing your attention to your own consciousness.

And I’m sure there are a lot of bad claims out there. Focusing on revenge, small victories, and bland materialism are hardly worth it.

But there is a word that has no place in affirmations, not even bad ones:


If you’re apathetic about something, you wouldn’t bother with affirmations. Even putting your intentions in writing would be too much effort for something you don’t care about.

And this, right here, is the secret ingredient to making affirmations work:


It’s funny: we think of ourselves as thinking and reasonable creatures. And, of course, we can use logic… to check our decisions. But every decision you make comes from a spark of emotions. It’s not me who says that, that’s neuroscience.

Even something as sensible as “I’m thirsty, so I’m going to get some water” is impossible to decide without emotion.

And even the desire to be logical comes from your feelings.

But, when it comes to affirmations, not all emotions are created equal.

You are probably frustrated about something in your life. Something you want to get rid of or something you lack.

But there’s more than that.

Frustration alone leads to self-pity, negativity, and complaining. It doesn’t motivate action…unless that action is to complain about what’s bothering you.

If you are thinking in affirmations, then something else is driving you.

Maybe it’s hope. Hope is pleasant: it guides you towards the future and assumes that it will be better than the present. Since you’re trying to create a better future, it’s a nice thrill to have.

You can also wish. And what is desire but a longing for something you want but don’t have?

You may feel a drive, a yearning to do more, see more, and be more than you currently are.

All of these emotions are positive and they all point to the future.

This is what makes affirmations work.

Negativity will only take you so far.

And thinking about the past, like nostalgia, will not help you change.

So you need emotions… and they have to be the right ones.

You may be sick of feeling apathetic or angry about your circumstances. Well, let those feelings motivate you to start. But to sustain your swings, you need a carrot to draw you forward.


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