When I went outside the other day I saw a paper bag that said something like, ‘the world needs more love.’ This is something that is hard to deny, considering how much suffering and destruction there is.

One only needs to watch the news or pick up a newspaper to learn of something negative that is happening. What plays a part in this, of course, is that these sources have a tendency to focus on the bad things that are happening and overlook the good things.

More of that

However, while it would be easy to say that this is just something that these sources do, it is something that is part of human nature. It is normal for the mind to focus on what is going wrong and ignore what is going well.

In a way, it’s like the mind is designed to look for trouble. However, even if it’s designed this way, it doesn’t mean it can’t be trained to be less one-sided and therefore more balanced.

Back to the main point

So if the world needs more love, it might seem like the best approach would be for someone to do what they can to give the world more love. A big part of this will be for them what they can do to make sure they don’t do anything hate motivated.

When it comes to giving more love to the world, there can be little things and big things you can do. If one were to believe that it is purely grand gestures, one might wonder if they have anything to offer.

One step at a time

The key will be to focus on the little things you can do to add more love to the world. This might involve holding doors open for people, saying hello and smiling, and saying thank you after someone has helped them.

And if someone else talks to them about something, they could take the time to listen and be present. What each of these things can do is allow another person to feel seen and even heard.

pushing the boat

Another option would be for them to train to be nurses or charity workers, for example, as this is a way of serving their peers. Giving money to a charity or investing in a business that wants to serve humanity may be another option, if they have the means to do so.

There will also be things you can do for your friends and family. Being present when they are around them and providing support will benefit them, and this can give these people the need to spread the good vibes to others.

love multiplied

Thus, one will not only have a positive effect on the people they come across, but their behavior will have an effect on the way these people treat others. Ultimately, it is not possible for one to know what kind of impact one’s behavior will have on another person’s life.

Still, if you do what you can to be nice to others, you are much more likely to have a positive effect on this person’s life than if you were mean to them. This way, you can walk away from an interaction knowing you did the right thing, even if you’re not sure what kind of impact it had on your life.

The missing ingredient

With that being said, while it’s hard to deny that the world needs more love, this doesn’t mean that someone should focus solely on giving more love. The reason for this is that unless one loves oneself, it will be challenging to behave in a loving way.

Now, this is not to say that they will not be able to play the role of being a loving person; what it means is that this will be nothing more than an act. Behaving this way will be something that requires a lot of effort rather than something that happens naturally.

the other way

If, instead, you did what you had to do to connect with your own heart and feel comfortable in your own skin, there would be no reason for you to behave in a hateful way or cause harm to others. They would be connected to the love that is within them and this would allow them to behave in a loving way.

Behaving this way won’t take much effort either, as it won’t be dissimilar to how they treat themselves. Also, if they weren’t comfortable in their own skin, they might treat themselves like dirt even though they treat other people well.

an essential part

It is relatively easy for one to create a false self that allows one to appear to be a loving person; while doing the inner work for that will allow one to experience self-love, and therefore behave in this way naturally, can take a fair amount of time and effort. And if someone doesn’t love themselves and doesn’t play a role, it can be normal for them to behave in a hateful way.

Because of the amount of pain they are in, they will need to harm others in order to feel better about themselves. The toxicity found within them will spread wherever they go, causing them to deal a lot of damage.

final thoughts

If someone wants to bring more love to the world, loving themselves more will be a great way to do it. As love builds within them, they will have more to give to the people they come in contact with.

For this to happen, you may need to seek support from a therapist or healer. Someone like that will allow them to overcome the layers of pain that prevent them from feeling comfortable in their own skin.


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