You just spent an amazing evening with your boyfriend. The two of them talked, shared and it was incredibly charming. You have never felt closer to him and you feel like your heart is about to burst with all the love you feel for him. You look forward to hearing from him the next day, but your phone never rings, there’s no text from him, and your email inbox is empty. Suddenly, you are left without knowing what the night meant to him and you feel a very strong urge to contact him yourself. If you find yourself in this position and start to think that my boyfriend never calls me, you are not alone. Many women go through this same experience and feel that the situation is hopeless. It’s not. There are many things you can do to encourage your man to pick up the phone and call you.

There’s one incredibly important thing to remember if you’re stuck in a relationship where you constantly wonder why my boyfriend never calls me. In the past, you have probably been the one to initiate contact after your dates with him. If he hasn’t called by the next night, you’ll most likely automatically pick up the phone and call him. He can do this without much thought. It seems natural to want to connect with him and you’ve probably attributed him not calling at work or just being too busy. If you want to remedy the situation and get him to call you sometimes, you should stop calling him. This means that you should never call him again after you go out.

The reason this is so helpful in fixing the situation is that if he doesn’t hear from you, he’ll wonder what you’re doing. As women, we often take the burden of maintaining open communication on our own shoulders. If you are the one who continually initiates contact in your relationship, you will always be the one who leaves him to do so. It’s a pattern that was likely established early in your relationship. If your boyfriend didn’t call you within a certain period of time after a date, you called him. The next time you two went out, you did it again. Your boyfriend recognized this and is waiting for you to call. To break the pattern, you have to promise yourself that you won’t call him.

It will be difficult. Most of us will let our minds play tricks on us when we don’t hear from the man in our lives. We will imagine that you have found someone new to go out with or that you have become bored with us. None of that is true. Chances are he’s in no rush to call you because he knows you’ll eventually pick up the phone and call him. Help him break the habit by not making the call. You won’t believe how soon after dating he’ll start calling if you’re not the one contacting him. Try it and you will never be left thinking that my boyfriend never calls me again.


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