In the process of self-development and personal transformation, we often come to a place along the way where we feel doomed in whatever way we choose. We are caught between the Rock and the Hard Place. The path through this junction is UP to infinite possibility.

The Rock represents the thought of his human mind that generally indicates the logical, rational and linear path to follow. The safe path, the common path, the easy way out. The hard place is that place deep inside of you that wants you to follow your heart, take the high ground, and follow your happiness. It is rare in this world when you are evolving to a higher level of consciousness that you avoid the crushing rock and hard place.

The dilemma is between you and you. The little you, the you of the human mind, is the one that wants the path most commonly taken. The You of you is your God-chip who wants you to follow your joy.

On the journey to higher consciousness, you are reaching for the infinite possibilities, but the human mind doesn’t quite buy them in this context. You may believe in the “miracle” in another context, but you cannot understand it in this one.

For example: You are talking to a friend about leaving a miserable job where the pay is low and the boss is miserable. He can advise them to take a chance, to take that job that feels more fun in Alaska. In this choice, it seems easy for you to know that what feels better is definitely a better option for your friend than to stand by and be miserable.

However, when the choice is yours to make for you, stew and stew in it. You continue to go to that miserable, rotten job day after boring day and swallowing the criticism of unappreciated management. Yet every chance you get, you’re looking for a new job. So, behold, you find one! You go to the interview and everything seems too good to be true, except for one thing: no benefits. The pay is better; the position is exactly what you are looking for with decision-making responsibilities. You make your own schedule and earn bonuses for projects completed on time and on budget. This is exactly the challenge you’ve been looking for. And to top it off, you can set your own hours and even work from home. However, the position does not offer benefits.

Now comes the rock and the hard place on this topic of benefits. But it’s not really about the benefits, it’s about your faith and trust in the Good that is Yours. The human mind of him begins to sound all the warnings of the end of the world about diseases and accidents. Your Self is jumping for joy that you have found exactly the perfect job that will delight you on a daily basis.

It all comes down to this: you both believe and trust in the Goodness that is Yours or not. Or you choose to live in Faith and know that your Good is at stake; or you live “safe” letting fear rule your adventure on Earth.

These scenarios are more harrowing when you’re going through them; but they are exactly the ones that come in response to your request for a freer life, more joy, more love, but you will have to make your fear of fear grow. faith in your Good in order to get over it. These are the defining moments of a life; the road most commonly traveled or the road less travelled.

Your Spirit, your God chip, your True Self is looking for fun, for joy, for fulfillment.

Follow That; your The good is always at stake. Your Good is infinite. Your Good always feels good.


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