The first step you must take to have your prayers answered is forgiveness.

You must forgive yourself and you must forgive those who have hurt you. You must let go, give up the negative emotions of unpleasant memories. Because Jesus is telling us: “When you pray, pray with a clear mind.”

Let’s do some mental cleaning!

I am now going to ask for some confessions in your own heart. We’re going to clear our minds a bit here and some of you have some things that have been in your way that are going to clear up. And some wonderful things are going to start happening for you this week. Now things have happened to him in his life that he has not liked. But you see, if these things happened to you, and you didn’t like them, don’t drag them through life.

leave the past in the past

If it happened in 1998, leave it at 1998. Here’s how you can finish removing it: just take a piece of paper, write it down, and write the year it happened, and if it happened in ’98, say, “Okay, you happened in ’98, and Damn, I’ll leave you at 98.” And when you say that… You are praying!

God is not offended by strong language!

Now maybe some of you don’t pray like I do. But I pray like this, I and God have an understanding: He is not offended by strong language. Very well now, we are going to move away from those things that happened to you in the past that you did not like, we are going to move away once and for all, we are going to forgive you.

 Give up the negative for the positive 

Let’s give up the negative memory for positive thoughts. Get ready now, I want you to use your hands, because that tells your subconscious mind to pay attention. Raise your hands in a receptive position. Now, about that negative memory, she repeats the following out loud, with FEELING:

“Well, that happened. I didn’t like it. But I’m not going to drag it down with me. I’m going to leave it right where it happened. I won’t drag him another fucking inch.

In the name of Jesus Christ. I forgive myself and God forgives me. And I go free. Free of all the things that someone has done to me.

This prayer has power. You are cleaning your mind, you are cleaning the house. You will be free now! This is the way we pray here, so let’s move on. Now say the following sentence out loud, with FEELING:

“Anything and everything… that anyone… anywhere… at any time… could have done to me, that I didn’t like… I’m free of it. Right now. I download it. I leave it fall. I won’t take it. One more fucking minute.

Thanks, Dad. Thank God in me. I forgive. and i’m forgiven.”

Now repeat again three times, with feeling! “I forgive and I am forgiven.” 

So your mind will be clear. So that nothing blocks your mind, nothing blocks your path. And keep your mind clear, stop dragging all these mental blocks. And if, on your life’s journey, you come across situations that you don’t like, quickly get rid of them. Get them out of your mind! Once again, this is what ancient Jewish Scripture means when it says, “May the sun not go down on your wrath.”

Don’t carry anger, don’t carry grudges, don’t carry pain or hate. Forgive yourself for doing all those things and carrying around all those negative thoughts, moods, attitudes and ideas… and when you do that, when you clear your mind, then you can really talk to God in you, you can really communicate with God in you. … And you will begin to get answers to your prayers.


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