The story begins in 1919, when the world was introduced to what is now known as the Cup Cake Hostess®, at the bargain price of two for 5 cents. It was the start of a revolution, right up there with the Toll House cookie and Oreo. No one had to search for a bakery or turn on the oven for a snack attack anymore. Six years later, the Continental Baking Company, which had struck gold with its Wonder® packaged white bread, named its new creations Hostess and they were a hit. In 1930, an employee named Jimmy Dewar devised a sponge cake called Twinkies®. and they beat the cupcakes by a mile. Twinkies are an American icon, with half a billion sold each year.

But it wasn’t until 1947 that he invented a machine that injected cream filling into cupcakes and Twinkies, wowing his customers by providing not just an individually wrapped confection, but one brimming with creamy filling. What idea. As other items such as fried fruit cakes, Ding Dongs and Ho Hos were added to its repertoire, the cupcake category was secured with no end in sight. A staggering 11,000 pies are currently being produced every hour, so joke all you want, but Hostess is grinning from ear to ear.

Although ownership has changed several times in its history and faced bankruptcy, those snack cakes just keep coming and their popularity continues to this day, proving to Americans that artificial cream filling and the desirability of having a cake. snacks. Deep-fried Twinkies are a popular item at many regional and state fairs each summer, as Americans line up for this fatty delicacy, along with booths selling deep-fried funnel cakes. Featured in numerous movies and cookbooks, the Twinkie continues to reign supreme despite jokes from comedians and jibes from celebrity chefs. (One has to wonder if there are secret fans enjoying themselves in private.)

Although the condoms are used for an extended shelf life, the company insists that the Twinkies be removed from their local store after 10 days, making way for more “fresh” ones. Here’s the current hit parade of Hostess snack cakes:

1) Ho Ho’s – Best seller, basically a rolled up version of Ding Dongs

2) Twinkies – The butt of endless jokes, still ranks high on the list

3) Sno Balls – Marshmallow-coated chocolate cake rolled in shredded coconut

4) Ding Dongs – Shaped like a hockey puck and covered in chocolate

5) Suzy Qs – unfrosted cake with cream filling

6) Cherry Pies – hand fried and easy to eat

7) Vanilla Zingers: Cream-Filled Oblong Cakes, Vanilla Reigns

8) Chocolate or Orange Cupcakes – The classic, complete with a white doodle on top

9) Crunch Donettes – People of all ages start the day with these mini treats (easy to eat while driving)

10) Mini Muffins – Not exactly bakery quality, but still popular

Today, the main competing brand Little Debbie, started by the McKee family during the 1930s and still a private corporation, takes up most of the space in the snack aisle, once dominated by Hostess. Their oatmeal cream cake continues to be the top item, followed by Swiss Cake Rolls and Nutty Bars® Wafers. Dozens of additions have been added since 1960, when the company took off across the country, racking up a staggering 157 billion snack cakes sold, totaling $1.4 billion in annual sales, followed by Hostess with 670 million. Dollars.

Maybe actress Ann Blyth just did it for the money, or maybe she really did feed her own kids snack cakes, but either way, those sweet packaged treats are produced so quickly that they’re probably pretty fresh. Any way you look at it, when it comes to our sweet tooth, we’re all kids at heart.


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