Lumps, rashes, and pain on the penis can be caused, in part, by not including the penis in a daily self-care regimen. The skin down there is delicate and sensitive and deserves a little TLC. But despite the importance of the penis to a man’s psyche, few men know exactly how proper penis care should be carried out.

Fortunately, a few simple steps, like adding a penile health cream to your post-shower routine, could help alleviate or prevent a number of common penile health problems and promote a softer, more flexible, and responsive penis. A step-by-step guide to penis care is provided below.

wash and rinse

Cleanliness is key to a good penile health routine, but the techniques a man uses to wash other parts of his body should not be part of his penile cleansing routine. Instead of using harsh soaps and a rubbing motion, men can simply rinse their gear with warm water, allowing their fingers to loosen any material that may have accumulated on the skin. Uncircumcised men will need to remove the foreskin to perform this cleaning, but that is the only additional step required.

grooming and trimming

A thick lock of hair can provide a bit of cushioning for the penis, but it can also peek out over low-cut shorts and impede a man’s ability to look calm, cool, and collected when wearing little clothes. Grooming could allow a man to take control, but the procedure requires specialized equipment, including:

  • sharp scissors
  • Razor with cool blades
  • Shaving cream
  • Lotion

The scissors can be used to trim some of the longer strands of hair, and those men who want to get closer to a natural state can apply shaving cream and use the razor to scrape off any unwanted hair. It’s best to stroke in the direction the hair grows, as this technique can cut the hair close to the skin and ensure that ingrown hairs don’t form in the days that follow. Since shaving close to the skin like this can be irritating, applying lotion can be a great final step.

fighting smells

Although almost every inch of a man’s body has the capacity to produce a scent, most people are a little repulsed by intimate scents. Deodorants can quickly neutralize odors that originate from the armpits, while colognes can mask other odors, but these products can irritate the sensitive skin on the penis, and in some men, these products can even cause painful rashes. Instead of masking odors that already exist, men are better off being proactive and making sure that unpleasant odors don’t form.

Most penis odors are associated with trapped air caused by tight underwear. These garments do not let air in and do not let germs or fungus out. Cotton underwear, on the other hand, allows airflow which can allow the pack to breathe and odors to fade.

nourishing skin

Skin that is clean, cared for, and breathing is meant to be healthy, but it can also be lacking in essential vitamins and nutrients. The food a man eats has a long way to go before it reaches his penis, and sometimes the cells of this vital organ are bypassed in favor of the needs of other parts of his body. Apply a penis health cream (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help correct the imbalance. These products contain just the nutrients intimate skin needs and are applied directly to the skin, so they don’t get lost along the way. A product like this is a great addition to a man’s new routine.


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