This is not a question to be taken lightly. Is it possible to cash a check from this program? Is it really free when they say free? Ultimately, many advertised programs are not free. I have read many programs online to the last page of explanations and 999 reasons to join this program right now. I usually find that the program is not free. It’s only free to join. Therefore, you will not have access to the wonderful tools that are promoted without making some kind of purchase to access the tools that are advertised.

It’s hard to find a program that is free to join and at least partially free to use. When you join Free, you want to have at least partial access to the system that can generate income without any charge. However, you need to understand that most businesses require some form of tools to start, run, and maintain their product or service. Online businesses are no different. They require computers, websites, Internet connections, and the essential autoresponder service.

Generating cash flow is the goal. It is vitally important for a new online marketer to have cash flowing into their bank account and not cost them budget-breaking fees. Instead, the new marketer has time for their monthly income to grow to a level that allows them to reinvest in the program to accelerate revenue growth.

Lastly, you want a program that is a “Marketing System.” By this I mean that you are not really getting involved with a specific product line. For example, Shaklee, Herbalife, Melaluca, Xocai or One24. Instead, you are establishing and learning a System to promote your business. A generic system that can be used to promote any business you are already in or a new business.

A very important aspect of any program you choose to participate in is the training that is offered to teach you how to achieve your goals. Is the system set up to teach you how to get started? Are their step-by-step instructions to guide you along the way? Or, are you left alone to find out how the system works? Are your weekly “Webinars” to keep you up to date and educate you on specific marketing techniques? Do you have access to an “Internet Marketing Expert” to advise you on mistakes and advise you on how to improve your efforts?

Yes, there are many questions to consider when searching for online programs to join. However, I can assure you that it really is possible to make an income with a FREE online program.


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