Not the best way to spend a few days. Food poisoning can be a memorable event in someone’s life because it is overwhelming and relentless. Homeopathy is ready to help. What would take many hours, and sometimes even days, to recover, homeopathy can turn into a short version, and then leave the patient in a better state than he or she began with.

When we decide to use homeopathy for this disease, the remedy must be chosen based on the symptoms and the cause. In other words, the symptoms point the way. This is reason enough not to use conventional drugs to cover up what the body wants us to know. The benefits of having symptoms outweigh the short amount of relief. Whichever remedy is chosen, take it every hour if the symptoms are extreme and every 4-5 hours if they are less intense. As soon as there is relief, stop taking the remedy. The first remedy we think of when we have been poisoned by bad meat is Arsenicum album. A person who requires this has a sudden attack of nausea, vomiting, great weakness, and dry mouth. There is usually anxiety and restlessness and even fear of death. This is accompanied by an unusual thirst for small sips of warm water and burning in some area, most often the rectum. There may be effort. It is often traced to eating ice cream or spoiled meat.

Another powerful remedy to consider is Bryonia. Food poisoning that this remedy requires is likely due to overeating. There is extreme pain and although there is thirst, as soon as the patient drinks the desired cold water, he vomits it. Where the Arsenicum patient wants to move, the Bryonia patient longs for stillness. In fact, the movement only serves to cause more nausea and retching. Even moving your head or eyes can make things worse. He is comfortable with applications on the abdomen and is often curled up on the floor or in bed. Sometimes the cause can be found to point directly to a meal of cabbage, ice cream, old cheese, or just food that is too rich.

Pulsatilla is a remedy that often responds to someone who has a craving for ice cream, but just can’t stand it. It can also be triggered by eating spoiled fish, pork, fatty and creamy foods like peanut butter, cream and cheese. There is bloating and belching from food that tastes contaminated. Often the mouth is dry, but rarely there is thirst and a desire for fresh air or a light cool breeze on it. Although the symptoms are not severe, the person is comforted by walking in the fresh air.

There are more remedies to consider. If you’re interested, please continue to the next article titled “Food Poisoning Again.”


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