I went to bed one night, tired, depressed, broke, exhausted, frustrated, angry, alone and without any real ambition. 24 hours later I woke up feeling inspired, young, alive, smiling, rich, with love in my heart and someone to share it with. What happened in that brief blink? Read the article to find out.

Let’s start with a little history. He was 40 years old and had been on a “quest for self-discovery” for more than 40 years. I think it started prenatal. Anyway, this included some pretty bizarre experiments with my own consciousness including wild sex, drugs, cave meditation, hunger, painful yoga, Zen whip meditation, heart-stopping sports, Himalayan trekking, dancing with people from First Nations, smoke a little. strange materials with Shaman in Indonesia and the list goes on.

So it was a horrible shock to the system when everything stopped. One day I woke up happy. I don’t mean happy as in ha ha happy. I mean happy as in wow, how awesome is this?

That transformation did not come into the hands of anyone. No philosophy, no spiritual guru, no chants, meditations or tantric ecstasy, those things that I had had plenty of, but none lasted until the front door of the ashram. No, this was and is permanent.

To put this in even greater context, I even climbed the mountain tops in Nepal, and on a few occasions I considered throwing myself into the frozen abyss below. So my search was no accident, “wow, let’s see what happens if I try a local yoga class” no, I’m talking about experiments that cost years, investments that cost a fortune, trips that break bones and tear muscles from muscles. . Life-threatening fasts, diets that turned food into a hydraulic weapon, shot my ass. This is not the “put your foot in the toilet” type of trip, this is the family loose glass type trip.

So that day, when the lights came on, it is a truly extraordinary day. In that 24 hour period, all he had done at the time turned out to be a total waste of money and time, all he accomplished was narrowing the doors, closing the leaks, narrowing the options. Here I was, in this 24 hour shift, my life was forever transformed, and really, if I had known what I knew that day, I could have done it 40 years ago.

How to change your life in 24 hours … From frustrated, tired, depressed, overworked, poor, lonely and confused to happy, inspired, open-hearted and rich?

The answer is: stop trying to change yourself.

Always wanting to be different, aspiring to be better, bigger, smarter, healthier, happier, gets you down, bored, worst, dumb, unhealthy, and unhappy.

The key is to see that uniqueness is not a curse. The normal is the new amazing. Real is the new inspired. Silent is the new loud. Suddenly, I realized that I didn’t have to make other people happy, they can do that. He didn’t need to be someone other than who he was. And the idea that there would be a better, bigger, happier, more interesting me, well, it’s gone. I fell in love with. With Chris. I.

Suddenly, I didn’t feel lonely because I already had a feeling of love inside of me. Suddenly, he couldn’t be depressed because there was nothing that compared where he was, to where he wanted to be, so there was no way to be depressed. Suddenly I had energy because when life is giving kindness, you feel good. I was no longer bored because the anger that was blocking my energy is gone.

24 hours. And all the therapy, yoga, meditation, and reading fell to the ground. He was naked, alive and the feeling has not disappeared in 14 years since then. What keeps me on track and happy are the laws of nature. I put them together after this transformation. Actually, those laws come from the ancient mysteries of Egypt, India, and Greece. They are the secrets of the universe, the great wisdom. I gave up complexity because nature is a teacher that we can all admire.

The laws of nature are available to everyone. Just go out and work in the garden. You don’t have to go to Nepal with me. No, you can just climb a tree, dig a weed, walk on the lake and you will see. Everything is perfect, there is beauty everywhere, as long as we stop trying to change it.

The only thing you can change in the entire universe, according to perennial wisdom, is your mind. So why not change it? All you need to do to achieve that change is choose. Choose to change your mind. Change it for one purpose and one purpose only, and that’s the beauty.

When you are nice to people, they feel good. That means that he applied all the great knowledge of eternity in one act, kindness. Loving-kindness is the culmination of billions of books and all the confusion summed up in two words, loving-kindness. When you treat someone or something with loving-kindness, it is really a very high personal achievement. So maintaining happiness means not wanting to change yourself, and certainly not wanting to change others, and to show it, treat them with loving kindness.


Live with spirit!


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