So you’ve decided on a Sun Conure Parrot for a companion. Congratulations! They are sunny birds in terms of color and personality. They start life as a dull green bird, and as they mature, they become astonishingly beautiful birds with rainbow-colored feathers – brilliant oranges, reds, yellows, greens and blues – that are a joy to look at. Here are 5 things to take care of that will keep them happy and healthy for all the years of their lives.

Spacious Housing— The general rule is that the bigger the cage, the better. Since most parakeets are about 12 inches long from beak to tail, the cage should be no smaller than 20 by 20 by 24. This will give them room to exercise by flapping their wings inside the cage and allow them to Choose from several hangers placed at different heights. Be sure to avoid cages that use brass, lead, zinc, and other toxic metals. And if the cage is painted, make sure the paint is lead-free. Clean the cage daily to prevent disease and infection.

healthy diet-Feed a well-balanced diet of sprouted seeds, pellets, as well as fresh fruits and leafy vegetables. (Sounds like a great diet for the owner, too.) The bulk of their diet should consist of seeds and pellets, followed by a large percentage of fresh, leafy green vegetables with fruits and nuts making up less than 10 percent of the total diet. Remove food before it can spoil and provide fresh, clean water as often as needed. Be sure to rotate a variety of foods to prevent boredom, and avoid foods that are toxic to birds, such as chocolate, caffeine, and avocado, iceberg lettuce, parsley, and cabbage. Consult your vet for other foods that may be harmful.

Daily activity-You have chosen a very active and energetic bird, so plan to allow it to spend at least an hour outside of the cage in a safe environment every day. Make sure you are always there to supervise this free time. Turn off ceiling fans, cover mirrors and windows, lower toilet seats, and close off rooms that contain other pets that could harm your bird. Consider creating a hanger and toy corner in the room where he can go play. This will help prevent your bird from using inappropriate furniture or other objects to play.

consistent training-These little birds are easily trained and can be taught to speak a few words. Their voices are shrill and they will not develop the large vocabulary of other parrots. They more than make up for this with their ability to imitate sounds and learn tricks. They are little clowns and love to “play dead” by lying on their backs with their feet up, sometimes even when sleeping. Don’t worry, most of the time they jump just in time to prevent their human’s heart failure. Teaching them tricks should be fun for both you and your bird, and a little time every day will produce better results than long sessions done infrequently.

safe toys-Because they love to chew, be sure to provide fresh twigs and use perches made of wood. They also like bright toys and toys that make sounds. Short, tightly woven ropes are a good choice. With the rope, it is important to make sure that the head or feet cannot get caught and that it is short enough to prevent dangling. Supervise toys regularly to ensure they remain secure and rotate toys to keep interest high.

With proper care, diet, and exercise, you can expect your bird to live for 20 to 30 years. Parakeets are generally healthy birds and quite resistant to disease. The best way to protect its health is to know your bird’s habits when it is healthy. Any deviation from these patterns should be cause for concern. Symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite, discharge from the nose or eyes, or diarrhea are serious symptoms and your bird needs immediate professional attention from an avian veterinarian. Early detection and treatment are the key to your bird’s longevity.

Using an air purifier to filter the air will keep your airways clear, lowering the chance of respiratory infections and illnesses. This will also help increase its lifespan.


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