“I used to sell cars”

I can’t tell you how many people have said this in an effort to make the salesperson think they are going to be a difficult customer. If it’s not true, they’ll see through the ruse in an instant! Even if it is true, it will become a special project for the entire sales department, to show that they can outsmart you.

The attitude is this, “If you used to sell cars … you were obviously no good at all!”

“Love it!”

You might as well say “I am willing to pay what you ask me to get this car.”

Sure, you can let the seller know you like something, but take it easy or they’ll know they have NOT incentive to give you a deal at all.

“I am waiting for an agreement from _______.”

Fill in the blank with whatever … Insurance, divorce, probate. Yes, we have heard it a thousand times. It usually arrives just after you’ve wasted three hours of your salesman’s day, with effusive promises to return when the money arrives.

Your salesperson knows that the money is not coming and that you are not coming back. Few things are more unfair to a commissioned salesperson than using this old trick. Admit that you are broke and not buying, right from the start!

“My credit is terrible”

This is a tough question, but I think it deserves a spot on the list. You know that your credit is terrible because you have been rejected 7 times this month. Nobody will sell you if you pay in cash, as the saying goes. But what if they really only rejected you once?

You told the next salesperson that your credit history was bad and that they wouldn’t give you the time of day … and so on. Let the seller do his research, let him ask the right questions about credit, you will be surprised that someone can actually figure out how to sell your car!

“My credit is fantastic”

Avoid this one for three reasons. First, no one likes a braggart very much. Second, it makes the seller think they have an easy sell on the stock market. They might try to rush you to close and try to sell you all kinds of silly “extras” because they think you can afford it. The third reason? Crow tastes terrible when you find out that your credit score has recently dropped.

“I need to talk to my _______ about this.”

Wife, dad, grandmother, priest … the scapegoat that is never present. Seriously, if you are going to buy a car, bring everyone who needs to be involved in the decision. Why would your salesperson have to go through the entire presentation twice? Usually this is just a lame excuse because you are afraid to say no. You have my permission, you can say no … this tactic makes you look weak.

“I don’t like the brand you sell”

Why, in the name of sanity, would you look at Fords if you don’t like Fords? Name any brand … the same. Maybe, just maybe, this will be worth saying if you are looking for used cars. Otherwise, he will look like a big fool. People do this all the time, and I’ve never found out what they think they will gain from it except animosity. If you understand, leave me a comment!


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