I suspect there are very few people who I do not have Heard of Joe Vitale, the Law of Attraction or The Secret. For those of you still in the dark, here’s a two-minute overview.

Who is Joe Vitale?

Born in 1953 in Warren, Ohio, Joe Vitale attended Kent State University, where he majored in public relations and journalism. However, he did not graduate. He went on to earn a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Sciences from the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, Arizona. Metaphysical science is the application of metaphysical reasoning to everyday situations, with the ultimate goal of helping people take control of their lives, solve difficult problems, overcome stress, and develop their true potential. Central to this approach is the notion of letting go of the idea that life is a drama in which we are actors, as it is this longing for the dramatic that brings conflict and pain into our lives.

Joe Vitale’s initial success came as a copywriter, particularly as the creator of “hypnotic copywriting” and “hypnotic marketing.” These techniques use a combination of compelling writing and subliminal techniques to try to persuade a potential customer to make that important purchasing decision. In this capacity, Joe Vitale has worked for some of the most successful companies in the world.

Joe Vitale is also an advocate for Law of Attraction techniques and has published several books on the subject, including The attraction factor Y Life lost instruction manual.

What is the law of attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a philosophical system that believes that ‘the similar attracts the similar’, that ‘you get what you think; your thoughts determine your experience ”. Its origins date back to the late 19th century (and much more when considering the similarities between the Law of Attraction and certain elements of Hinduism, the oldest living religion in the world). The Law of Attraction teaches techniques to “attract” what you want by changing the way you think and behave.

What is the secret?

The secret Rhonda Byrne’s is, in a sense, a distillation of all the Law of Attraction works that preceded it. However, avoiding the more esoteric ramblings of its predecessors, The secret has made the Law of Attraction accessible to virtually anyone and everyone, with literally millions of people who have purchased the DVD or book and entire online communities dedicated to the subject. He has even appeared on Larry King and Oprah Winfrey.

Joe Vitale is featured prominently in The secret, and now, along with Rhonda Byrne, Esther Hicks and Beth and Lee McCain, she is seen as one of the world’s leading authorities on the subject.

Which I think brings us full circle.

Thanks for your time.


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