Thinking of becoming a vegetarian? Are you already living the vegetarian lifestyle? If so, you have certainly considered the protein problem. The human body needs protein to survive and thrive. For most people, that protein comes from meat, and when you stop eating it, you have to think of other options. Many plant sources such as nuts, seeds, and soy products provide some. But then, you are faced with having to eat a certain thing every day, or you are faced with getting sick.

It is a serious consideration for any vegetarian. Most plant proteins are incomplete, which means you must combine foods, eat certain things together, to properly replicate protein found in animal sources within your body. What if you don’t like tofu? Not everyone is going to like it, and it has such a reputation for being “essential” in the vegetarian lifestyle that it prevents many people from trying it. Plus, with emerging studies concluding that “too much soy” is not good for men, it further puts the issue on the fence.

This new discovery will help any vegetarian to achieve an adequate amount of complete protein and will make the lifestyle more attractive to any carnivore considering it. More tofu recipes? A new way to eat beans? No!

This is a 100% natural plant source of complete protein. The capture? It tastes like ANYTHING you want and you can eat it without any preparation. It sounds too good to be true? Keep reading!

The answer is Chia Seeds.

Chia seed, although not very well known, is actually a superfood. It was lost for centuries, ever since the ancient Aztecs used its supernutrition for their armies. With the ability to make people feel full and 23% protein by weight, it’s no wonder they’ve been able to conquer so much land. Each little seed was a powerhouse of nutrition, vitamins, and omega-3 essential oils. And now, its power can easily be in your hands.

How easy is it to use?

Chia seeds are actually one of the easiest things you can add to your diet, whether you are vegetarian or not. It’s as simple as sprinkling them over anything you already like to eat or drink. Chia seeds have no flavor of their own. Instead, they distribute the flavors of the food or drink you add them to. This property allows them to take the flavor of that food or amplify the flavor of liquids. (Which means that when you cook with them, the food will actually taste better!)

For example, you can sprinkle them on: breakfast cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, ice cream, juice, milk, veggie pizza, salad dressing, pasta, sandwiches … actually, anything that’s moist enough that the seeds stick to the area. You can also prepare them as “Chia Gel” (soaking the seeds in filtered water for 15 minutes will produce a thick gelatin-like substance that will substitute for butter in recipes) and then adding it as a wet ingredient to food or beverages.

Without soy estrogens, it is safe for men to consume any amount. The chia plant is also grown without pesticides, so the manufacture of chia seeds does not harm insects or the environment. It really is a “green food”! The plant produces an oil on its stems and leaves that insects and other pests cannot stand, so there is no need to use harsh chemicals. It is also one of the few plant sources that provides complete proteins like those found in meat.

For vegetarians, Omega-3 oil is also a problem. Its main source is fish. Omega-3-rich diets adopted by fish-consuming cultures, such as Japanese and Greek islanders, have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, cholesterol, and arthritis. However, if you don’t want to sacrifice fish, or even if you don’t like the idea of ​​eating fish many days a week, chia seeds are the answer once again!

Chia is rich in Omega-3 oil, as well as calcium. In fact, it has six times more calcium (by weight) than milk. With chia seed in the house, you won’t have to worry about harming the ocean or eating fishy flavors. With the oceans in jeopardy and some fish even absorbing poisons, now is the right time to turn to alternative sources of omega-3s.

You don’t have to be afraid to try vegetarianism, and if you’re already eating the vegetarian way, Chia will make it much easier for you to get your essential nutrients, while continuing to enjoy the foods you love. Take advantage of easy and delicious complete protein right now, with Chia Seeds!


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