A very important step in microwave termite treatment is the precise detection and location of the entire termite colony to be treated. Many areas of termite infestation are one hundred percent visible and clearly noticeable without the use of termite detection tools.

The uses of termite colony detection tools are helpful in isolating the precise location of hidden termites primarily when evidence of infestation leads to inaccessible non-visual areas.

The main advantage of knowing the precise location of a hidden termite colony allows efficient and comprehensive microwave treatment to be applied directly to the actual source without wasting time and resources treating adjacent areas that are not infested.

Without the use of a termite detection tool in inaccessible treatment areas, a treatment can take two to three times longer and include more microwave applications applied to ensure complete coverage of the estimated target colony location.

There are several different types of termite detection tools available for use. There are infrared devices to detect the heat given off by termites inside the holes in the walls. Unfortunately, the infrared device also detects other heat sources that can overshadow the termites’ heat.

There are microwave detection devices that beam radar waves through the walls and display the findings on a digital screen similar to that of a fish finder. They require expensive monthly calibration and lease fees, but they seem to detect well.

There are also borescopes that allow you to look into areas of the wall through a flexible fiber optic tube that contains an internal light emitting source. Some models even offer video screen display and recording. Borescopes work well, but are limited to the use of evasive applications.

A recent technological newcomer is a CO2 termite detection device. It can be purchased for a reasonable price and is one hundred percent effective at detecting termites. It has received rave reviews from users and is claimed to be more effective at detecting bed bugs.

The advantage of termite detection devices allows for surgically accurate termite colony eradication when used as an aid to microwave termite treatment. They also help determine the effectiveness of a pretreatment performed by checking for evidence of a live infestation where it should no longer exist.


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