Everyone is familiar with the famous adage “health is wealth”, but few really understand its complexities as a perception. Health is about the state of a person’s body, which is free from injury, illness, and pain. If you dig deeper, you will discover that it is primarily about physical and mental fitness. Both concepts are strongly correlated, so they must be thoroughly understood if one wants to live a healthy life.

Physical Health:

The meaning of physical well-being varies from one individual to another. For some, it is the ability to participate in different activities, while for others it is more about looking and feeling good. Maintaining good physical health is something most people want to achieve, but it is not as straightforward as it may sound.

Being physically healthier doesn’t have to be resentful or difficult either, but you should take a realistic approach and move beyond your comfort zone to practice healthy habits. The common trait that healthy and friendly people share is their zeal to acquire good habits and stick with them.

The first step is always the hardest! You need to be dedicated and use your willpower to overcome the initial hurdle. Things will get easier once you successfully cross the “first step impediment.” Although, it has been found that even after completing the first step effectively, many fail to take zeal to the next level. This is because most people expect positive results overnight.

Don’t try to become Arnold Schwarzenegger in one day. Rather, set your goals and break them down into small steps so that you can easily achieve them on a daily basis. The initial triumph will increase your confidence level, further propelling you to achieve more. Keep in mind that confidence produces success! Eat right, relieve stress, exercise regularly, and get a good night’s sleep to start feeling good and physically relaxed in no time.

Mental health:

Mental health is as vital as physical fitness and should not be neglected. The key to a fit, energetic, vigorous and fit body is a healthy and active brain. No matter how fit and strong you are physically, if your brain is not working well, things are not easy for you. The human brain resembles the fertile loam where everything is nourished. Being mentally disabled means getting involved in anxiety, depression, or other psychological and physical problems.

Don’t misunderstand the concept; read between lines. Factors like loss, change, and disappointment are an integral part of everyone’s life. People with mental illness generally lose the ability to cope with difficult phases, while people with healthy brains can easily overcome challenges.

Unless you were born with a mental disability, you can keep your brain healthy and active throughout your life by doing simple things. Fuel your brain properly and be physically active to be fit and mentally healthy. Experts suggest that activities that challenge the human brain often keep it stimulated.

For example, you can train your mind by doing logic puzzles, studying, solving crossword puzzles, playing challenging games like chess, and learning new languages. By continually challenging the brain, you can create new nerve pathways. Studies have shown that new nerve pathways are good for mental health.

Complete fitness:

Remember, unlike wines, the human body does not improve over time. If you want to live a happy life, you must try to stay fit and healthy. That early hurdle will undoubtedly push you back, but with strong desire and resolve, you can finally achieve your goals. Keeping the body and mind in shape is not as complicated as it seems; just take the first step forward; everything else will follow.


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