You can transform your high- and low-income plastic surgery practice to a steady stream of patients and profits when you have a personalized marketing plan for plastic surgeons.

This approach allows you to dominate your market because you will go full blast while your competitors continue their narrow focus.

This is what he focuses on for the most reliable results:

Internet Marketing to Attract New Plastic Surgery Patients

Work with a reputable website company that knows the plastic surgery industry. Get references and review their work. Then stay with them. The more you bounce from one website company to another, the movement leverage you lose.

Pay to play. Being found organically on the first page of Google is increasingly difficult. Decide on a monthly advertising budget and focus on a single procedure to achieve the greatest impact.

Establish a protocol for inbound leads. Usually the first responder gets the deal, so make sure your system and your staff follow up right away.

Retention is the new strategy for attracting patients

Patient retention should be part of a marketing plan for plastic surgeons. You miss the opportunity right under your nose to double your results when you miss this in your marketing plan … Focus on your established patients who already know, like, and trust you.

Your established patients are less price sensitive because they have more to go on than price. They know that you are a reputable surgeon because they have experienced your work first hand.

They can see their results so they have the peace of mind that they will get another good result. That’s more important than saving money for most of your patients.

It is also much cheaper to encourage your established patients to return than to attract new Internet Stranger Patients to replace them, as it takes a lot to get someone’s attention in today’s busy market.

Plus, your established patients are more likely to give you a great review, permission to show others their before / after photos, and help spread the word about you.

Encourage more word of mouth referrals

And we all know that new patients come from current patients, so they should be included in your marketing plan for plastic surgeons.

Word of mouth referrals are her soul. You’ll run out of time, money, and energy doing a “burn and churn” practice, right?

The longer you’ve been practicing, the less you’ll need to exert that kind of energy because now you have an enthusiastic fan club … or at least you do. could have an enthusiastic fan club that returns and refers much more frequently.

The best marketing plan for plastic surgeons includes strategies to attract new patients by being first responders and following up on new incoming leads. Also to nurture his current patients to come back and refer.

What to do next

If you want to focus on the right activities and get results 5 times faster than other practices, download my free marketing checklist at

Click here for the checklist right now!


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