You might be wondering with so many WoW gold guides available which one you should choose, so let’s take a look at Warcraft Wealth in particular so you can see the pros and cons. I had a very good opportunity to review Warcraft Wealth thoroughly, so I think I can help you make an honest assessment of whether or not you need it.

What makes Warcraft Wealth different from some of the other gold guides currently available for WoW is that it is written by someone who used to sell WoW gold. Heck, I bet he’s still selling it since there’s obviously a lucrative market for him. Luckily the author Wayne Williams has decided to tell us some of the secrets of selling gold to help regular players make more gold and you know we all need more of that.

So is Wayne’s Gold Guide any good?

Yes, I think Warcraft Wealth is pretty great, despite its relative brevity. Warcraft Wealth is a bit shorter than some of the other guides currently available, but that’s only if the advanced gold guide counts. With all the bonuses and the rookie guide, it actually lasts a bit longer. It’s packed with lots of information too, with details on where to find more gold and loads of display caps so you can see exactly where to go.

What about bonuses?

The three bonuses are the Mining Maps walkthroughs, the auction house videos, and the walkthrough. Both the mining maps and the auction house videos are designed to help you get more gold to put in your bags. Mining maps, in particular, are a huge time saver because you can basically use it to perform a gold hunt just for the purpose of mining more loot, completely skipping over the regions that aren’t worth it. If you’re several hundred gold short on upgrading your mount, it might be worth using the mining maps to take just a few hours a night to mine your butt.

As for the auction house videos, Wayne uses them to show you exactly how he works at the auction house. I found it very useful because I am visual and I like to see what someone is actually doing rather than just reading and trying to figure it out based on what they said.

And finally, there is the basic guide to WoW. If you are new to World of Warcraft, you should find it incredibly useful and will help you get started with WoW and avoid some of the pitfalls of the early levels that can hold you back later. Plus, it also has a lot of gold tips, so even if you’ve been playing WoW for a while, I’d go through the basic guide instead of jumping straight into the advanced gold guide, just to make sure there aren’t any. any tips and tricks that you don’t already know about.

What are the downsides to Wayne’s Warcraft wealth?

Well, like I said before, Wayne’s advanced gold guide is quite a bit shorter than some other available gold guides. It has 56 pages. However, the basic guide adds another 41 pages. And then there are the videos that I think are invaluable. But if you’re the type of person who doesn’t really want to sit there watching videos, you might want to try another guide. Personally, I like to have a video tour of the Auction House, but your mileage may vary.

The only other potential drawback is the basic guide. If you are already a WoW expert, you may not need 41 pages. But I don’t think it’s really any different than other guides who sell their guides as one book instead of splitting it into two. All golden guides include lots of newbie tips at the beginning of the guide, which can be annoying if you don’t need them.

On the other hand, if you’re new to WoW or just never felt like you were playing your best possible game, then the basic guide may be exactly what you need. Even if it isn’t, you have to weigh that against the value of the advanced level gold guide and auction house videos and mining maps. Those can just put Wayne’s Warcraft Wealth guide into “must-buy” territory.


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