Horror movies through the ages

Horror movies have characters like blood sucking vampires, psychopaths, scary ghosts, deadly werewolves and man-eating zombies, women with long hair and scarred faces that give you the chills! The best time to watch these movies is late at night, alone (or with a friend, if…

What happened in the UK in 1993?

Here are the biggest news, sports and entertainment stories from 1993… Britain’s longest recession since the 1930s officially ended as the economy grew during the first three months of the year. Conservatives took credit for the rebound in fortunes, but critics claimed it was luck…

Yoke-Thay Pwe, Burmese puppet theater

The subject of Burmese ‘Pwe’ theater in general and Burmese ‘Yoke-Thay Pwe’ puppet theater in particular is definitely very interesting but also very complex. Therefore, it is difficult to sufficiently treat it in the form of an article. After all, entire books with hundreds of…