Adhatoda Vasica

botanical name: Adhatoda vasica, Adhatoda zeylanica, Justicia adhatoda Other common names of Adhatoda: Adathodai, Adusoge, Vasaka, Adalodakam, Malabar Nut, Arusa Adulsa, Bakash, Addasaramu. Habitat: India. Description: Called Simha Mukhi in Sanskrit because the shape of its flowers resembles a lion’s head, Adhatoda vasica is found…

A Brief History of the Cookie Jar

The origin of cookie jars began in Great Britain. First known as cookie jars, their first use began in the late 18th century. These early cookie jars usually found in grocery stores were usually made of glass with metal lids. The earliest types were cylinder-shaped…

Services provided by a private investigator

Private investigators are hired for a variety of services. They meet the research needs of individuals, companies, etc. Some of the investigations for which individuals hire them are: Background checks Private detectives conduct background checks on individuals through interviews, checking reference checks, and public records.…