The ectoplasmic hand

One of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed was in a session conducted by English physicist Stewart Alexander. Not only did I get to see a hand made of ectoplasm grow out of Stewart’s chest, but I was moved by him. Ectoplasm is…

Vacancy vs. Occupancy Sensors

The most convenient feature of occupancy sensors is their ability to automatically turn on the lights in a room or space when they detect movement within their range. Occupancy sensors are invaluable in outdoor lighting for added security and have many other beneficial uses around…

Stay home Conscious decor

Simply living in the moment and appreciative of all that life has to offer as provided by Mother Earth and the Universe, conscious decorating is an aspect we need while staying at home in these stressful times. Mindfulness is a type of meditation and bringing…

Kill your property value and deal

It is possible to increase the value of a home, but sometimes renovations can become a deal breaker. Homes that are consistent in style and finishes are generally worth more than those that display different influences. Residential appraisers often say that a true value killer…