Easy Reverse Phone Lookup

A reverse phone lookup is something you don’t need too often; but when it’s necessary, it’s nice to be able to do it on your own. You’ll save money by not having to hire a private investigator to find out who owns a phone number.…

Reincarnation: reality or fantasy?

When James Leininger was two years old, he started having recurring nightmares. He was yelling, “Plane on fire. Little man can’t get out!” The nightmares perplexed his parents because James was a happy and playful child. As James revealed more bits of his nightmares, his…

Baby carriers, not just for babies

Portage, an ancient practice in many countries, is now making its way into the “main” homes of the United States. Baby carrier options have ranged from standard backpacks and Baby Bjorns to the more stylish and versatile Ring Slings, Mei Tais, Pouches and more. When…