I have held various marketing leadership positions during my career and am very comfortable with new technologies. I launched pioneering products, started new business models, and created entirely new market segments within the technology industry. My point is that I usually get things pretty quickly, but I have to confess to you that Twitter actually made me lose control for a while.

If you’re just starting to tweet, stick with it. It takes a little time to understand the purpose and value of it. From a business perspective, the benefits aren’t as obvious as search engine marketing, using Facebook, or blogging like I do now. Microblogging on Twitter really is its own unique animal. Much like the advice I’ve given before regarding social media, to master it, you really need to jump in and start doing it.

Twitter Etiquette: As with all social media venues, there is a protocol and set of etiquette that you will want to know and follow. The faster you collect them, the faster you will gain a loyal following. No matter what pace you’re going, there’s a group, a community, and a Twitter feed for you. Don’t wait to be invited to the dance, just start dancing. It can get quite addictive and very rewarding once you start to see the benefits. Here are 10 tips I’ve learned that should help you get started.

  1. Ask current questions: People on Twitter like to engage in back and forth conversations. Questions are a good starting point and a great way to start a dialogue. It’s an easy way to get started and test the water when you start tweeting.
  2. Post useful facts, tips and content: Apart from short conversations, most people are on Twitter to search for information. It’s the whole “give to get” thing. Make sure you give value to the community and the people who follow you. Unless you are a famous person, you should focus on posting interesting facts, helpful tips, and valuable free content.
  3. Say thanks: It’s common etiquette on Twitter to say thank you when someone decides to follow you, add you to a list, or retweet one of your tweets. Do it frequently.
  4. Acknowledge others: Retweeting other people’s tweets is a form of recognition. You should also acknowledge the other person by adding a comment to their retweets, i.e. great tip, helpful information, thanks for sharing, etc.
  5. Ask for help on Twitter: Tell people what you are looking for or what interests you. It’s also okay to ask for help on how to best use Twitter and take advantage of the tools available in that area. People on Twitter want to interact with you and they like to help you.
  6. Introduce you: When you gain followers, send them a personal note and introduce yourself. Tell them something about yourself so they can connect with you. You can do this in a direct message or some people do it in the public Twitter feed.
  7. Answer other people’s questions: Respond to other people’s questions that they ask. Try to always add value by giving a thoughtful response and maybe even giving them a helpful link on the topic they’ve tweeted about. Be honest, real and show your personality.
  8. Let people know when you add them to your Twitter list: Say hello to your friends to let them know when you add them to your Twitter lists. Another way to recognize them and give them recognition.
  9. When you’re added to a list, say thank you: When they add you to a list, it usually means that you share the same interests with them. Say thank you and tell them something about yourself. Make the connection and keep the conversation going.
  10. Watch for Twitter events: People who follow live events can be identified by the hashtag. If you decide to participate in an event, introduce yourself first. Follow up with a direct message to those with whom you had similar interests and valued their contributions.

Twitter for businesses: Twitter, like other forms of social media, is all about giving back to the community, or in this case, the crowd that follows you. Before being accepted, you must first give value. If it is seen that you are only there to sell something (self-interest), people will not respond to you. You should use it to show your thought leadership and create brand differentiation by providing unique and valuable content. Customers want to buy from people they like and respect. Once they have an affinity for your experience, they will reward you. It’s okay to open up and show your personality. Social networks are based on trust and establishing connections that provide mutual benefit. Like-minded people will follow you.

Given my tech background, it’s hard to admit, while biting my lip, that I was a sucker for Twitter at first. Its value to the business is not obvious. However, after several months of use and some trial and error, I have to tell you that it really is an amazing form of communication and should be included as part of your social media playbook. Once you take the right steps, you’ll get the swing of things and find your groove. Twitter is not difficult. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Boomer, Gen Xer, Gen Yer, or part of the Lost Generation, if you understand some of the basic protocols, etiquette, and ways to draw in a crowd, you’ll soon find value on Twitter.


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