Global warming is a threat that everyone must take action against. Although government policies and corporations can have the biggest impact, you personally can also do your part. These 13 tips will help you save your hard-earned money on utility bills, save time and energy, and most importantly, protect the environment at the same time!


Stop annoying spam

Think about how much paper is wasted just from the junk mail you receive. Recycling is not enough. Stop sending mail all together. It will save trees from being cut down for paper, and finally stop all that annoying mail. wrote an excellent article on how to stop spam.


Insulate and seal your windows and doors

Sealing your windows will not only save you energy and money, but it will also help reduce uncomfortable drafts and help reduce mold and mildew problems. Insulation will help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Insulation and sealants are easy and inexpensive to install, and you can pick up the supplies you need at your local home improvement store.


Shop EnergyStar Appliances

All the electronics in your home you can think of have Energy Star equivalents. Air conditioners, heaters, fans, lights, phones, refrigerators, washers, dryers, TVs, DVD players, etc. The next time you shop for any electronic device, make sure it is Energy Star compliant to ensure you are saving money when you power up your electronic devices.


Inflate your car tires

Driving on flat tires can reduce fuel economy and tire life by more than 15%, and also increases the chances of the tire exploding while driving. Stay safe and save the environment by keeping your tires inflated.


Use the microwave instead of the oven or stove

Microwaves can use around 50% less energy than conventional ovens. Be especially sure to use the microwave in the summer because the conventional oven will heat up your kitchen, forcing your air conditioner to work harder.


Close vents and doors to unused rooms

Do you have a rarely used guest bedroom, dining room or den? Close all the air vents in that room and keep the door closed. By doing this, your heating and cooling systems won’t have to work harder to regulate the extra space that isn’t being used anyway.


Install CFL bulbs

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) use 75% less energy, last 10 times longer, and emit significantly less heat than standard incandescent bulbs. Considering that the average home spends 11% of its energy consumption on lighting, CFLs could really help you save energy and money.


Take shorter hot showers

Take short showers instead of baths. If you take a hot shower, turn the temperature down a bit and bathe faster. Don’t forget: sometimes a cool or cold shower feels so much better than a hot shower, so don’t get stuck in a rut and always take a hot shower.


Plant a tree on the south side of your house

By planting deciduous shade trees such as maples or oaks on the south and/or southwest side of your home, you will save cooling costs in the summer. These trees will protect your home from the sun and naturally refresh the air. In the winter, when the leaves are falling, the sun will be able to shine into your house, giving you warmth when you really need it.


Insulate your water heater and pipes

Put the back of your hand against your water heater. If it is hot or hot, then you are wasting valuable money and resources every second. The heat that is supposed to heat the water is escaping from the appliance. Most insulation packs come in easy-to-install kits and are relatively inexpensive.


Turn down the water heater thermostat

Many water heater manufacturers set their water heaters to 140ºF before they are shipped out of the factory. This not only shortens the life of your water heater, it wastes energy. It could also be a health hazard by making you susceptible to burns and scalds from hot water. Having your water heater set to anything higher than 120ºF is a waste of energy and money. 115ºF – 120ºF will work fine for most homes.


Get a free energy audit

Almost all utility companies offer free energy audits to help your home reduce your energy bill. Call your power company and make an appointment. It’s free and you’ll end up saving money on your monthly payments. Why not take advantage of this free service?


Use the stairs instead of the elevator

Save energy and stay fit! As long as your flat is less than 5 floors away, walking isn’t really asking for much. It takes a lot of energy to make that elevator work.


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