It has been said that it takes 21 days of consistent action to change a behavior or create a new habit. Many times we want something different, but the old tapes keep playing in our head that prevent us from reaching our goals and dreams. This can range from trying to lose 10 pounds to gaining the courage to start your work-at-home business.

The truth is that going from employee to entrepreneur can be a bit scary. However, one of the ways to reduce fear and increase success is to draw on the wisdom and experience of other people who have been successful in life.

Some may be famous and some may not. However, wisdom if you choose to listen can help you create a paradigm shift in thinking that is the foundation of massive success. I’ve always liked listening to champions who have gone before.

Here are 21 quotes I’ve often thought of and used to inspire me to downsize my boss and he can do the same for you.

1. From time to time, people realize that they don’t have to experience the world the way they’ve been told to. —Alan Keightley

Did they tell you to go to school and get a good job? I was. While I know my mother meant well and she thought she was grooming me to gain access to the pearly gates of success, she had no way of knowing how things would turn out.

However, did you know you wanted more? And you? Remember, you don’t have to settle for 60-hour workweeks, 30-minute commutes, your kids in daycare, or moving for the promise of career advancement. You don’t have to be part of the routine… the rat race.

2. You will never change your life until you change something you do every day. —Mike Murdock

Are you afraid to start? It may seem overwhelming, but if you simply focus on daily actions, big goals take care of themselves.

3. No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn from scratch. In order to be successful, we must absolutely and positively find people who have already paid the price to learn the things we need to learn to achieve our goals —. Brian Tracy

Get help from the start. Find a mentor, coach, mastermind, or become part of a community that will help support your success. You want to become a lifelong learner. Attend seminars and boot camps in your area of ​​specialized knowledge. When you learn from people who have been successful and model their activities, you will get your results.

4. By pushing yourself beyond your perceived level of confidence, you accelerate the development of your competence. — Michael J. Gelb

The only way to gain confidence in a certain area is to take action. It is in the action that you will begin to have small victories that will increase your level of success.

5. If you don’t program yourself, life will program you! —The Browns

Don’t let other people make the decisions in your life. If you don’t have a plan, you will create wealth during your working years, your employer will. Don’t have a retirement plan? You don’t want the government to be your strategy. Remember, it’s your life and it’s now or never.

6. There are two main choices in life: accept conditions as they exist or accept responsibility for changing them. —Denis Waitley

No matter what your current conditions are, you have the opportunity to change them. However, this can only happen if you take full responsibility for the direction of your life. If you don’t like where you are, forgive yourself and focus on solutions. Don’t focus on the problems or why you think something can’t happen. Start asking powerful questions, the answers will start to appear.

7. Everything you need you already have. You are whole right now, you are a complete, total person, not a learner on the way to another place. Your integrity must be understood by you and experienced in your thoughts as your own personal reality. — Dr. Wayne Dyer

8. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that scares us the most. Who are we NOT to be brilliant, beautiful, talented and fabulous? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just some of us; it is in all of us. —Marianne Williamson

When I heard this quote for the first time, tears came to my eyes. What talent or gift do you have that you are allowing fear to steal your achievement? Doing what you were called to do is bigger than you. You are unique and sharing your gift with someone could make a difference in their life. Are you playing too small? Do you stay in a job that does not demand you? What can you do to make a difference?

9. You’ll see things you “never knew you never knew.” —Disney Pocahontas

The journey and pursuit of freedom allows you to see the world in a different way than others. As you grow, you will naturally see opportunities that others may not. Jason Oman, author of Conversation with Millionaires, calls it “Money Goggles.” Even if you were in a completely dark room, you will have infrared vision in the area of ​​creating opportunities to earn money.

10. A different world cannot be built by indifferent people. —Peter Marshall

You can’t have what you want in life by being indifferent. Successful people are passionate and sometimes radical in the pursuit of their dreams. Do not allow yourself to be in environments that discourage you.

11. What do you like to do? If you don’t like it, leave it, because you will do it wrong. You don’t have to stay with a job for the rest of your life, because if you don’t like it you will never succeed at it. —Lee Iacocca

Why would you spend most of your waking hours doing something you don’t like? The key to success is finding something you love and setting the standard for excellence.

12. Simply making consistent investments in our knowledge banks and self-education pays big dividends throughout our lives. —Jim Rohn

The self-education I pursued after college has been my biggest return on investment. There is something to be said for developing skills that you know will help you in any economy. Specialized knowledge applied with massive results will reap great financial and emotional rewards.

13. Finding your purpose may be a lifelong quest or you may have discovered it when you were 5 years old. There is no absolute timeline for anyone. That is a good reason to never give up, to keep discovering things every day. —Donald Trump

If you haven’t figured out your life’s purpose, don’t be hard on yourself. Start asking yourself questions and enter a discovery process. Allow yourself to dream without worrying about how you will achieve it. Every time you think you’ve found the answer, dig a little deeper with more questions. Rarely are your true goals, purposes, and desires on the surface of your soul. Many times they have been put away for safekeeping to protect you from disappointment. Keep discovering new things until your purpose is crystal clear.

14. What material success does is give you the ability to focus on other things that really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in the lives of other people. —Oprah Winfrey

When you get money out of the way, your world expands even more. Oprah exemplifies this principle. She now looks for ways to help others in everything she does. Whether it’s giving more support to her family or contributing to a good cause, having freedom as a work-from-home entrepreneur will allow you to leave her mark on the world.

15. The world cares very little what a man or a woman knows; it is what the man or woman is capable of doing. — Booker T. Washington

So what can you create and add value to the world? I love this quote because it shows so clearly that it’s the results at the end of the day that matter. Don’t get caught up in theories. Make sure you are constantly taking action that is moving you towards a specific goal.

16. There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-term risks of comfortable inaction. — John F. Kennedy

Are you so afraid of failing that you just can’t get out of the box? don’t be Many people have “failed” their way to million-dollar empires. It is better to do something and be wrong than to do nothing. When you choose to do nothing, someone else often makes a decision that impacts you and you end up doing something you don’t want to do.

17. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get ahead in this world are the people who get up and seek the circumstances they want. –George Bernard Shaw

There is no such thing as luck. You create luck by working and preparing for opportunity. When you start putting yourself out there, the universe gives you back. Make sure you are clear about your intentions and then go and make it happen.

19. It’s not the hours you put into your work that counts, it’s the work you put into your hours. —Sam Ewing

You have the same 24 hours a day as Bills Gate and Oprah. Don’t sabotage yourself by saying, “Well, they can do it because they’re rich.” Unless you inherit wealth, there is a price everyone has to pay. You don’t have to work all day at your empire job. However, you need to consistently put in the time if you want to be successful.

20. You must do what you think you cannot do. — Eleanor


One of the best gifts you can give yourself is to do something you think you can’t do. It doesn’t have to be something huge. A simple act of courage goes a long way to boosting your confidence in every area of ​​your life.

21. You will never leave where you are, until you decide where you prefer to be. —Dexter Yager

Until you know your purpose, you risk staying in a job that slowly eats away at you. Because? You just don’t have a strong enough goal to quit your current job. When the goal is strong enough, you will search to find the answers.


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