Dear friend,

… Our Thought Habits are faithful servants or tyrannical masters, just as we allow them to be. However, we have the say on the matter and we can make our decision.

…Thoughts of hate, anger, jealousy and envy will attract to us the same type of thoughts that emanate from the minds of others. We will also attract circumstances in which we will be called upon to manifest these negative thoughts and then receive them in turn from others. A strong thought or habit of thought will make us the center of attraction for corresponding thought waves from others. Like attracts like and what you sow, so shall you reap. Our general thought habit will determine the character of thought waves received from others as well as thoughts emanating from ourselves. Generally we find what we are looking for and what we are being. There are very few people who seem to realize this and who understand the art of managing the mind. The key to the mystery is Concentration.

5 deadly thinking habits and how to fix them:

#1 Thinking about Fear

As you know, the more we think about something, the more we think about the same thing. To stop the pattern, the best way I have found is to find the opposite… In this situation, the opposite of fear is courage. These statements will help… instead of saying: “I am not afraid”, say forcefully “I am brave”, “I am full of courage”. and tell yourself: “There is nothing to fear.” Hold the ideal firmly before you and it will gradually manifest. Let the word “Courage” sink deep into your mind and hold it steady until the mind holds it in place. Imagine yourself being Brave. Realize that there is nothing to fear, that worry and fear never helped anyone, and never will. Realize that fear paralyzes effort and courage promotes activity. Everything is in the mental attitude! And when you get into the habit of thinking courageously, you will attract success like a magnet. The typical friends of fear are: “what if”, “but”, “if”, “suppose”, “I’m afraid”, “I can’t”… they are all negative suggestions, when you can eliminate those and move towards courage , there will not be enough food left for Fear and it must go.

#2 Thinking about Hate

If you have a tendency to hate people, the best way to overcome negative thinking is to cultivate Love instead. Think about love and act on it as often as possible. Cultivate thoughts of kindness and act as kindly as you can to everyone you come in contact with. You will have problems at first, but gradually Love will dominate Hate, and the latter will begin to fall and wither.

#3 “Fault Finding” Thoughts

The mental condition known as “finding fault” is another emotion that grows with exercise. Initially they find fault with this, then with that, and finally with everything. This reminds me of one of my thought habits that I broke free of. When my son was little I thought that every time he buys a new toy, he will break it the same day. And guess what, he always did! And then I thought: this is crazy, I should stop thinking like that and I began to tell myself that whatever I buy for my son, I will treasure it, treat it well, take care of it and serve it for a long time. It came true, like a miracle he stopped breaking things! Yes, if you are looking for faults, I can assure you that you will not need much effort and you will become a fault magnet… Change the channel and tell me how it changed your life.

#4 Jealous thoughts

When you start to feel jealous, focus and start thinking about your higher nature and your Real Self. When you rise above these competitive thoughts, jealousy cannot control you. You know and I would like to remind you that you are a magnificent being and there is no one on this planet like you. You are unique and you have your unique gifts to bring into this world. When you deeply feel what I just said, you will rise above such petty thoughts: they are unworthy of you and with the help of your will you can break the cycle. When you have positive and high vibration thoughts, the lower ones cannot affect you, this is the law of nature.

#5 Angry thoughts

When you are tempted to burst into anger, affirm the “I” and your voice will lower. Anger is worthy of the developed Self. When you feel upset, frustrated, and angry, remember who you really are and get over your feelings. Think of yourself as a dignified person with a calm, strong, and positive attitude. You are the owner of your emotions and emotions will not dominate you whatever the situation.

The habit of thinking is like a piece of paper with old folds. It just tends to fold into the same folds as before. Will Power is needed to make a new fold and then it will follow the new lines.

When we make a new fold and fold it more and more in the same place, it becomes easier for the mind to fold the same fold later.

Let’s make our mental folds in the right direction. When you are playing on the negative end of the mental plane you feel depressed, weak, passive, dull, fearful, cowardly. And you find yourself unable to progress or succeed. And your effect on others is practically nil. You are guided by, rather than leading others, and the most positive people use you as a human doormat or a soccer ball. You have the power to exercise your will to break those deadly thought habits and connect with your positive inner calm. My goal is not to preach as I have to break my own ‘deadly thinking habits’. My goal is to give you ‘practical tools’ so that you can also free yourself from yours.

Let’s do it together!

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below. I would love to hear from you!


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