“You did not come to face reality, you came to create reality.” – Abraham-Hicks

Take a moment and imagine your best life: you live in the house of your dreams, you have a loving partner, a healthy body, a satisfying job, a supportive family and friends, and more than enough money to satisfy all your needs and desires. .

How does your current reality compare to the life you just imagined? Is it even close? If not, it’s time to make some changes!

You are continually in the process of creating your life experiences, but most people are unaware of its power and are creating unconsciously, by default. As long as you believe that someone or something outside of you is controlling you, you will operate more out of habit or influence, and you will continue to be equal.

You are not at the mercy of your circumstances. You were born as a creator and you have the power to change and shape your reality in the life of your dreams.

Here are the 5 important steps to intentionally creating your life:

1. Learn how deliberate creation works

Deliberate creation is the intentional focus on something that is desired for the purpose of creating a desired result. The process consists of 3 basic steps:

  1. Ask what you want
  2. Believe it comes to you
  3. Allow it and receive it

Everyone is a creator and has the power to create. By learning to harness this power through awareness and conscious participation in the creation process, you can become a creator who has consistent results and a life of your own choosing. Your life can be a continuous journey of satisfaction and joy, rather than one of the occasional moments of fleeting happiness or temporary satisfaction.

Deliberate creation allows you to truly live rather than simply exist. You no longer feel like a victim of your circumstances because you are in the driver’s seat and in full control of the vehicle.

2. Connect with your inner self

One of the most important steps to successful deliberate creation, which most teachers don’t tell you about, is consciously connecting with your Inner Self (also known as your Higher Self or Soul).

This non-physical part of you is always with you, loves you unconditionally and at all times guides you towards your best life. Your Inner Self is your expanded, loving and compassionate self. It is the wise teacher within you who knows everything about you, including why you have the challenges that you have. Your Inner Being is the essence of who-really-you are, it has no limits and it helps you to know your true identity.

As a deliberate creator, connecting with your Inner Self is crucial to creating your life on purpose. You may have some degree of success on your own, but without this connection, there will be limits to what you can achieve, and your life experience will be less meaningful, less fulfilling, and considerably less productive. Making this conscious connection is the key to creating a spectacular life with consistent results because you are tapping into the greatest power and infinite wisdom of the Universe.

3. Clarify what you want

It is through your dreams and desires that you grow and evolve. You are an eternal being and you will always have wishes. It is a key element in the expansion of life; not only yours, but also the Universe. Without desire, you cannot evolve and you would cease to exist.

Your dreams and wishes may eventually come true on their own without deliberate intention, but why leave it to chance when you can manifest what you want more quickly? This is where clarity comes in. Clarifying and focusing on exactly what you want to create in your life speeds up the process.

Consider each of the following areas in your life and write a list of what you want:

  • Your values: What is most important to you: success, freedom, happiness? Identifying your values ​​will help you to be clear about the essence of what you want and will serve as the basis for the life of your dreams. If you don’t have the life you want, you are probably living with a different set of values ​​than is required for what you want. Consider shifting the priorities of your top values ​​to create more of what you want most.
  • Ideal self: Identifying the traits of your ideal self will help you regain your true identity and align yourself with the person you were born for.
  • Health and body: What is your ideal for your health and your body? How much do you weigh? What kinds of foods do you eat? Exercise? If so, how often and how often? How do you feel physically? As you look?
  • Financial abundance: What is your ideal financial situation? How much money do you earn? What are your sources of income? How much money do you have in your savings account? Do you invest?
  • Career: What is your ideal work situation? Do you work with others or alone? Are you your own boss, maybe an entrepreneur? What activities are you doing? What skills do you use?
  • Intimate relationship: Think about your ideal intimate relationship, how does it look and feel? How is your lover? What character traits do you have? What kinds of things do you do together? How do you feel when you are with him / her?
  • Other relationships: How is your ideal relationship with others (family, friends, co-workers)? How do you feel in these relationships?
  • Home environment: Where do you live? With whom you live? What kind of house do you have? How many bedrooms and bathrooms? How do you feel at home?
  • Spiritual life: What are your spiritual beliefs? What activities do you do (meditation, going to church, etc.)?
  • Fun and recreation: What activities do you do for fun? Where are you? Who is with you

Add or change things on your lists as you think about them. Over time, your vision will become clearer and clearer until finally your life will begin to unfold as you have described.

4. Release resistance

Resistance is the only thing keeping you from having what you want and living your best life. It comes in the form of a belief in scarcity, scarcity, or unworthiness. Negative emotions like anger, fear, frustration, etc. it is a sign from your Inner Being that you are in a state of resistance. If you catch it in the early stages, before the momentum starts, it’s easy to re-enable and in the direction of what you want.

Resistance reduces its vibration and slows down its energy, which in turn slows down its manifestations. In order for the Universe to deliver what you want, it has to receive a positive energetic signal and an open channel to receive.

Since releasing resistance increases your vibration, it is worth taking the time to let go of anything that is not for your highest good, such as negative emotions and old limiting beliefs. When you are in a high vibration state, you feel more aware, connected, energized and in tune.

Here are the 3 most powerful ways to unleash resistance:

  1. Appreciation. Appreciation is the absence of resistance. Raise your vibration and align yourself with what you want and the creative person that you really are. If all you did was look for things to cherish, you would live a happy and joyful life.
  2. Meditation. When you relax and calm your mind, your attention is diverted from the thoughts that keep your vibration lower. It only takes 10-15 minutes of meditation daily to significantly improve your life.
  3. Tapping Also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), tapping is basically acupuncture without needles. It is an invaluable tool for releasing negative emotions, shedding old beliefs, and neutralizing the burden of unpleasant memories from your past. If you are unfamiliar with EFT tapping, I recommend that you take the time to learn.

5. Stay focused and move forward

To deliberately and successfully create your life, it is important to develop the ability and ability to focus your thoughts. The best way to do this is to have an alignment plan.

Alignment is the absence of resistance and gives you the leverage to create what you want faster and easier.

Your alignment plan can include any process you enjoy, such as meditation, scripts, affirmations, appreciation lists, or vision boards. Anything that helps you stay positively focused on your desires, let go of resistance, and raise your vibration.

The more you practice alignment and focus on the life of your dreams, the faster it will come to you. You are a powerful creator and you have what it takes to be successful! Move forward with confidence and joy, and allow the most magnificent life you can imagine to unfold.


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