Even if you’re liberal, you should enjoy parts of this book. It is serious yet humorous as the author describes our nation and the actions of various public figures past and present. Burt Prelutsky does not allow anything to survive an attack once they have taken a position on various issues, nationally or internationally, publicly or privately! If a well-known person or politician made a statement, Burt will write about it, usually expressing the obvious conservative point of view but with the occasional mild liberal approval – very mild!

Write about each and every one that exists, without limiting yourself to any group. If you are White, Black, Yellow, Hispanic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, French, American, German, Arab, British, Socialist, Communist, Fascist, Movie Star, Filmmakers, Film Directors and Producers, Judges of all levels, teachers, lawyers, college students or other institutes of learning, professors, newspapers, corporations of all kinds, CEOs, etc., media of all kinds, lesbian, gay, sports, affirmative action, Cuba, and so on. Oh, did I say DEMOCRATS on this list? If you are alive in this world, Burt will catch you on one of his pages in this book.

He trashes the college professors by saying that most of them are far-left liberals who are trying to convert all students to become liberals, and they’re succeeding too well. President Obama, like other presidents before him, is torn at pointing out his blatant liberalism and how he has affected us. Reid, Pelosi and other members of Congress are criticized describing all the damage they have caused to our nation. Cabinet members are also not excluded. Many groups that are consistently strong liberal like the ACLU are profiled and torn apart. Burt doesn’t miss much in his tirade against liberals, and I have to agree with most of his conclusions. We all have our own opinions about how strong and powerful our nation should be ruled and ruled, but when we back down on our finances, as Burt says, it hurts all of us. When judges create laws instead of interpreting them, we go backwards. When the history books are changed, telling only the liberal side of things, it hurts us too.

Hollywood, our government, sex, marriage, immigration, law enforcement, critics of President Bush, John McCain, Teleprompters and the United Nations all have Burt’s attention and he doesn’t mince words. . Much of this book deals with today’s concerns, but also with the past and the future. He mentions names and recounts his thoughts on many. He doesn’t forget or leave out much!

The only thing that could have a comment is the author’s repetition of several of his thoughts. These could have been intentional, I really don’t know. You will laugh, you will be angry, you will be surprised and maybe it will give you a different perspective or opinion on some of your current thoughts.


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