What is the first thought when you hear the fingerprint? Many things can come to mind, however, a digital footprint can be described as “one’s overall impact, impression, or effect as manifested on the Internet; online presence or visibility, such as that of a person or business.” By definition it helps to understand that this is similar to a first impression as a result of a job interview. Knowing this also helps to understand how and why we should have a “good digital footprint”. The questions then arise “What is a good fingerprint” and “How can this fingerprint be set up”. In the following discussion, we will explore these two questions and see if we can find action steps to complete the action.

“How can you set up a fingerprint?” To establish this online presence, you must first understand what the purposes of its existence are. When it comes to creating and reconnecting with old classmates, sites like Facebook, Google+, and Twitter are great sites that allow for lots of social connections. Personally, I was able to connect with family members I had only met once at a funeral. The great part is that we have been keeping in touch since 2009. If your goals are to create networking opportunities for business and your career, then you come up with a different set of websites. LinkedIn, Startup Nation, and Meet Up are a few sites that come to mind. Whether you’re looking to stay in touch with family, friends, classmates, or establish a presence that enables networking opportunities leading to employment, starting a business, or other career strategies, creating a digital footprint is a must. . Now just adding your name on these sites is not enough. In the second part of this discussion, we will discuss how to create a “good digital footprint”.

“good fingerprint”

There is more to creating a footprint than simply creating a profile on one of the above websites. The following steps will give you ways to improve your digital footprint, whether your purpose is for social or business connections.

· Enhance your entire profile with a professional photo. This will allow employers and friends to recognize if you are the right person they are looking for. This also creates a great first impression as a photo of your dog.

· Keep private information private: Private information, such as social security numbers or all of your personal information, is not necessary. It is strongly recommended never to share through social sites as it is also for the security of your digital profile.

· Make sure you’re active: It’s important to check your sites often and stay active. This will help your profile views and the request you receive. It also helps your profile not get spammed as much.

Clean and tidy sites will allow you to add images and sometimes videos. Inappropriate x-rated images and videos should not be on social sites. This includes photos of alcoholic beverages or anything that is offensive to others. A neat profile with correct spelling and grammar is also important. Showing these bad qualities in your fingerprint could lead to problems with the image you have created.

· Create a name for your profiles that shows you in a positive light. This is important when employers, universities, and others search for you or find your profile. SillyBilly is not a good name when looking to become a potential employee.

Here are some steps to help create a “good digital footprint.” In the society you’ll be living in, it’s hard not to have an online life, and following these steps will help create a good one. Please continue to thrive and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.




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