Are you absolutely frustrated at how hard it is to learn new skateboard tricks? I bet you are! I always see skaters kicking and hitting their skateboard when they are having a hard time pulling off a new trick. You probably saw some “trick tips” videos, but they didn’t help. Your friends probably tried to teach you but you still couldn’t land them. Or maybe you did, but only once or twice.

You did learn a couple of tricks, but how long did it take? One month? Two months? One year? If it took you more than a week, then you’re not learning as fast as you could! Here are some easy step by step instructions on how to do skateboard tricks:

The Ollie:

1) First place your back foot on the tail. Position your toes so they are at the tip of your tail. Your shoulders should be in line with the board.

2) Place your front foot in the center of the board.

3) Kick your back foot down, in one fluid motion, jump up and slide your front foot up the board, this should level it up in the air.

4) Land and bend your knees to absorb the impact.

The Ollie is really the foundation of skateboarding tricks. Read on for even more instructions on how to do skateboard tricks.

The Shuv-It:

1) Put your back foot on the tail. It is better to have the toes in the lateral corner of the tip of the tail. So you can rotate it more easily.

2) Place your front foot just behind the front truck studs (like for an ollie).

3) Focus on the board.

4) With the foot still on the corner of the tail, apply a little pressure to the rear foot (lifting the board off the floor slightly), rotate the leg, the front leg should also rotate in the direction of the rear leg. , however only slightly. Most of the work should be done with the rear foot.

5) Your body should remain as it is and should not spin around.

6) To grab the board jump forward.

7) Land on the grip tape.

8) Roll with the board still under your feet.

The Pop Shuv-It:

1) Have your back foot in the ollie position (toes at tail end). Place your front foot in the center of the board, as for a shuvit. 2) Unfold the board down by kicking your back foot down so that the tail connects with the ground. In the same movement, you should lift your back foot in the direction you want the board to turn. This should cause the board to lift off the ground and begin to spin.

3) Most of the work for this trick should be done with the back foot. The front foot doesn’t really do much.

4) As the board spins in the air, jump forward to catch the board. Try landing this with your feet on the truck’s studs for the best landing. Bend your knees as you land to absorb the shock of the trick.

5) Scroll. Be proud of yourself for pulling off a pretty decent trick.

The Ollie 180:

1) Place your back foot on the tail (as in the ollie position). Place your front foot in the center of the board.

2) Curl your body so it’s prepared to turn in the direction you’re pointing for you and the board to enter (counterclockwise if normal, clockwise if dumb) .

3) Twist your upper torso in the direction you want to twist, look over your shoulder in the direction you’re pointing.

4) Ollie and push your legs and the board in the direction your upper body is going. This should make you and the board turn a full 180 degrees.

5) Land and ride a fakie.

The Nollie:

1) Place your front foot on the nose; I prefer to have it somewhere near the end to allow it to nole higher. Place your back foot in the center of the board.

2) Stomp with your front foot, jump and level the board with your back foot by sliding it towards the back end of the board.

3) Bend your knees to absorb the impact of this trick.

The manual:

1) Put your back foot on the tail; it’s usually best to have your toes in the center of the tail to make it easier to limit the pressure you’re putting on the tail. Put your front foot on the front truck bolts to make it easier to adjust the amount of pressure you are putting on the front of the board.

2) Muster up some good speed for this. Press down with your back foot, this should lift your nose off the ground. If you feel the nose go down, lean back, if you feel the tail go down, lean forward.

3) When you feel you can’t keep your balance, don’t lean further forward to put your nose firmly down. Try to avoid scraping the tail on the ground too much when practicing this, as it will wear down the tail and make the tail thin and prone to breaking.

Now the tricks are getting a bit more difficult, but my instructions on how to do skateboard tricks should help you.

Nose Manual:

1) Place your front foot on your nose (toes in the center – this will help you apply or release pressure on your nose more easily). Put your rear foot on the rear truck studs.

2) Gather up some speed and apply pressure to the front of the board to get the rear wheels off the ground. If you feel the tail go down, lean forward, if you feel the nose go down, lean back.

Now you have the basic instructions on how to do skateboard tricks. If you really want to shred and learn new tricks fast, you should check out my resource box below and really learn the secrets of skateboarding.


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