Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds the organs, muscles, and bones of the body. The tissue that surrounds the muscles is called myofascia. Muscles are made up of fibers, and when a muscle is injured, these fibers tighten and shorten. The myofascia surrounding the muscle can be pulled tight by the fibers, creating what is known as myofascial pain.

Chronically tight muscles and myofascia can develop bands of knots known as trigger points. Trigger points are muscle fibers and myofascia caught in constant, isolated spasms. This causes significant localized pain and can cause referred pain if the trigger points compress the surrounding nerves. Normal use of muscles is obstructed, as the body compensates for pain by not using the muscle that hurts. This can cause other muscles to kick in for movements the injured muscle would normally perform, potentially causing myofascial problems in the surrounding muscle groups.

Who has myofascial pain?

The diagnosis of myofascial pain can be difficult; it has been linked to a variety of symptoms with numerous possible causes, including headaches, back pain, fibromyalgia, and TMJ dysfunction. The best indicators of myofascial pain syndrome are persistent muscle pain and tangible knots in the muscles that do not go away on their own.

Myofascial pain and trigger points can develop in anyone, from the very active to the very sedentary. Postural dysfunction causes widespread muscle tightness and tension that can lead to trigger points. Exercising incorrectly can create muscle imbalances that cause trigger points in overdeveloped muscles, as well as weaker, overstretched muscles that tighten as they try to return to their normal length.

myofascial release

Athletes often take advantage of myofascial release to prevent injuries caused by their rigorous physical activity. Cyclists, for example, often develop extremely tight hip flexor muscles and can benefit from regular myofascial release from the hips. Recently, myofascial release has become an important tool in the rehabilitation of injuries and postural dysfunctions for anyone.

Myofascial release can be obtained in a couple of ways. The most careful way is to seek treatment from a specialist. Myofascial release practitioners do more than massage; they evaluate tension patterns throughout the musculature to find the areas with the greatest tension. They use a special technique to stretch the myofascia back to its normal shape and elasticity. An important part of myofascial release is that the practitioner can feel the muscle’s response to your touch and assess how much pressure to use during the next application. Trigger point massage focuses on the identification and forced relaxation of trigger points by a trained massage therapist.

Not everyone can afford myofascial release therapy. Fortunately, automyofascial release (SMR) has made a name for itself in the home treatment of back pain and other painful conditions. This technique involves rolling a firm object, usually a foam roller or tennis ball, to force tight muscles and myofascia to relax and regain elasticity (hence its other name, “rolling”). SMR does not carry the same biofeedback benefits as professionally administered myofascial release, but for many it remains an effective and necessary component of treatment. For people with pain conditions, it’s best to start rolling with a trained physical therapist or other healthcare professional so you know you’re doing it safely and effectively.

Information on different types of SMR devices can be found at http://www.shiatsubag.com/attachments/Foam_rollers_for_Myofascial_and_Trigger_Point_release_therapy.htm.

For people with chronically tight muscles, stretching is insufficient to restore muscle elasticity. Myofascial release, whether administered by a specialist or by yourself, aims to solve a common pain problem by directly eradicating its cause. If you have persistent muscle tension and hard knots, talk to your healthcare provider about myofascial pain syndrome and safe, natural ways to treat it.


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