I have always been a huge fan of video games. I have had almost every video game console that has been released. From Atari, CalekoVision, Sega Master System, SNES, and much more.

I couldn’t tell you which one was the best that has ever come out, in all honesty I think this is just a matter of preference. However, I would have to say that my all-time favorite had to have been the Sega Genesis. He was the one I grew up playing, that’s why I love it so much.

After that, I would have to say that my favorites would be the Sony PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, which were the two game systems that I played most of my adult life with. Now I don’t really play as much as I used to, but my kids do and the game of choice seems to be the Nintendo Wii. They can play that game for as long as I allow them and they will never tire of it either.

I will say that the Sega Genesis console had to have some of the best games out there at the time. And after all, that is what makes a game console good is the games that are available to it. Sega had some great titles, Streets of Rage, Altered Beast, Kid Chameleon, the list could go on for days. I really have to say they were my favorites, but there really is no clear winner in this battle, as I mentioned, it’s really all just a matter of preference.


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