So you’ve tried a technique here and there and still don’t have the desired results, huh? I know how you feel, but don’t give up. It takes a long time to master the game of seduction and if you persist you will definitely win. In this article I will share with you some tips and techniques that will up your seduction game and some tips on what NOT to do when trying to impress women. I hope that after reading this article you will be able to impress the women you want.

Women are complicated creatures, we all know that. Did you know that in ancient civilizations, women already seduced men to bring them food and shelter? Today, women still seduce men and force them to fulfill their desires, only in a more subtle way. I bet you have already seen some girl seduce her father to get what she wants.

And when women become adults, they start seducing men and that’s our problem. They are good at it. If you don’t play their game by their rules, you’re out. But you can be successful in this game. You just need knowledge. After all, women like men, they need us. They’re just getting more and more demanding, so we have to become the best option for them, because believe me or not, they’re always picking and rating men. If you doubt my question to any woman you trust and you will see what I am talking about.

So in order to become the best fit for a woman, you have to do it a certain way. And in what way is this? Simple, she acts like an alpha male. She acts like you’re the best thing in the world and that she’s just another girl to you. She stops being a nice guy. In all animal species, she rules only the strongest animal. You must become that type of guy that women crave, and women love meeting a guy who is macho. Most men have lost this attitude of confidence. We’re all conditioned to be nice, nice guys, and this is messing up our seduction game. Forget everything your mom told you, you have to become the man if you want to date all the women you want.

Stop treating girls like they’re the best thing in the world. There are billions of women in the world. But you have to act like you’re the best man on the planet. He acts like a superstar. Make your presence a gift to anyone who is by your side and you will realize that the game of seduction is easier than you think. Feel confident, calm and relaxed.


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