The Havanese is a dog that is actually very easy to train if you start at a young age. They are very tame and calm dogs. They have a very calm temperament, and for the most part, they are quite sweet despite what some people may try to tell you. However, on a side note, this is also a very fearless dog and will try to protect you if they think you are in trouble, therefore you must be able to train this dog immediately to behave with people and with people. wrong. road. Once you have finished your Havanese training, you will have a very adorable dog that you cannot do without.

The only problem you are going to have with your Havanese training is the fact that these dogs, by nature, are very lazy. They really don’t want to get up and do anything. The good news is that training them is great weight management for them, too. It keeps them awake and moving. To keep the dog happy and make it easier to train, you need to make sure you brush it and provide it with a warm place to sleep at night. This will make your training much easier.

As stated before, when doing Havanese training, you should start at an early age. Once you do, you can train these dogs to be watchdogs or guard dogs. However, you can also train them to be simply a household pet. To do this, you need to bring them closer to people at a young age. Show them that people are supposed to come see you. Show them that this is a normal part of life. During training, it helps to have a friend come every few days and knock on your door. Teach your dog, at this time, not to bark when the doorbell rings and not to attack the person when they enter the door.

In addition, at an early age it is necessary to bring them closer to children. They must understand that children are younger and do not always act correctly. This will help them stay in control of their anger when they grow up. This makes them good with children. If you have other animals, such as cats and other dogs, be sure to let them start playing together as soon as possible. As the dog grows up with these animals, they will see them as one of their pack. This means that they will not harm the animals you live with. However, keep in mind that if they think the family cat is in trouble, they will attack whoever is attacking the cat. Although many people think that these dogs are bad with people they do not know, it is only when they have not been trained. Since you have to start training them at such a young age, it is a good idea not to have a dog that is not a puppy. If you do, you will never know how they were trained when they were younger.


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