stay safe walking

The greatest danger in walking is not that other people will hurt you. It’s the things you do, or rather the things you don’t do, that endanger your health. It doesn’t matter if you walk day or night because of the importance of reflective clothing…

Building the perfect male body

Let’s face it, you will never see big bodybuilders starring in Hollywood action movies anymore. This is because this appearance is ‘trying hard’ and is not considered desirable for women. Today, action stars are leaner but still muscular. They have a GQ style where they…

he called it "The pig"

John Grimek was undoubtedly one of the most impressive bodybuilders of his day. He was lean and muscular. So why did they call him “El Puerco”? We’ll get to that in a bit, but if you’ve never heard of John Grimek, he was a bodybuilder…