discipline starts at home

Modern Western families, as a rule, do not teach their children self-discipline. External discipline, that administered by force by parents and society, does not always translate into self-discipline. We could certainly learn from Asian families, especially Chinese and Japanese; your children behave splendidly in our…

The litigation process

In the United States, litigation is the conduct of a trial. Every trial process is preceded by the jury selection process. The plaintiff seeks a remedy and the defendant must respond to the summons/complaint. In addition to the option to litigate, there are also alternative…

Know when to get help

As a counselor, coach, or other therapist, we are not exempt from needing help. We all face problems in life that we cannot easily solve and we need an external expert to support us. Although we work in the field of supporting people, it does…

Real Estate Disclosure Laws

These laws legally require the seller of a home to disclose to the potential buyer any serious defects in the property. The laws were created to help protect the buyer from any defects that were not noticed until they closed on the home and became…