Well, not many PS3 users really care to be able to install a Linux operating system on their hard drive and turn it into something as good as a home computer, but this is a great option for those who care about it.

However, one of the main reasons why users don’t care too much about this option is the fact that PS3 is only compatible with Linux operating system. But have you ever imagined what would happen if Sony offered PS3 with Windows or Mac OS X?

Sounds just great, doesn’t it? In fact, it makes perfect sense if Sony is looking to buy massive licenses for Windows XP / Vista from Microsoft and Mac OS-X from Apple. Of course, Microsoft really wouldn’t mind lowering its prices to support Sony in promoting the PS4, and rather making use of this idea in the next-gen X-Box gaming console. But, the Windows operating system is indeed the king of all operating systems even after so many years.

But, Mac OS-X has also gained huge popularity, and Apple might find it very advantageous to offer cheaper licenses for OS-X for all PS4s that will be released. This will not only help Sony to increase the level of popularity and more importantly the sales of the PS4 for good measure, but it will also help Apple to increase its market share in the operating system world and get even closer. more to Microsoft’s Windows operating systems.

Furthermore, Google’s rumored operating system could also be seen in action, but as of now, a popular operating system is something Sony urgently needs on the PS4 to gain an additional edge in the market. At the very least, the X-Box 720 or Project Natal (or whatever MS calls it at launch) will surely support the next-gen Windows operating system (probably Windows 7 and Vista), so apparently it might be difficult to Sony get refunds on Windows OS. But, you can’t just rule out that option, because Microsoft would really make a lot of money selling thousands of additional Windows operating system licenses alongside PS4 game consoles. As of now, things are too fishy to come to any kind of conclusion.


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