French Onion Soup is a delicious and flavorful soup that many people love. Foodies from all over the world enjoy this great dish and for good reason. It’s rich and flavorful and will certainly fill your belly with delicious goodness.

While French onion soup is a huge favorite among many foodies, it can sometimes cause cleanup issues in the home in the unfortunate event that some spills on the carpet. Carpets and soup are never a good combination, so you need to do your best to clean up the mess properly.

If you’re dealing with a French onion soup spill on your carpet at home, here’s a guide you can try to help get rid of the mess and get your carpet back on track once again.

1. Try to pick up spilled French onion soup on your carpet immediately after you spill it. Use a clean spoon when doing this to help extract the soup from your carpet. If you can no longer pick up liquid particles, use a paper towel to slowly blot the area dry.

2. Once you’ve cleaned up all of the excess spilled soup, the next phase of the process is to deal with the ugly stain left on the carpet. To do this, you need to prepare a cleaning solution that is useful in removing the stain. In fact, you can make your own cleaning agent very easily by simply using a teaspoon of clear ammonia and mixing it with a cup of water. Mix these ingredients well and then place it inside an empty spray bottle.

3. After you’ve prepared the cleaning solution, spray some on the French onion soup stain on your carpet. Leave it there for several minutes so the solution can work on the stain. After letting it sit, use a clean white cloth to repeatedly blot the area of ​​the carpet where the stain is.

4. Blotting the soup stain will slowly lighten it until it is finally completely removed. Just be sure to continue drying even if you don’t see immediate results at first. This may take some time, but soon your carpet will be completely clean and stain free once again.

5. Rinse the portion of the rug that you just cleaned so that you can remove any residue that may be left in your rug fibers. Once you’ve done this, pat the rug dry with clean towels to finish the job.


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