Yeast infections affect 40 million Americans each year, which is more than 12% of the US population. Many people think that a yeast infection is something that affects women. However, the truth is that both men and women get yeast infections. Sometimes partners can even pass them back and forth during intimacy.

Another facet of yeast infections that many may not realize?

These infections can occur in many parts of the body, such as the mouth, ears, throat, and skin folds. Worse yet, candida can manifest itself inside the body, in the urinary tract, digestive system, and kidneys. The yeast grows, forming roots in the organs. This leads to leaky gut syndrome, ulcers, and a general disruption in the ability of organs to function.

Often a disruption in the function of one organ causes stress on the body as a whole. Internal fungal infections lead to general physical stress that causes fatigue and muscle aches. Similar to fermentation, the byproduct of yeast is a toxin that is released into the body.

Coconut oil has amazing properties to fight both internal and external fungal infections. For starters, coconut oil contains lauric acid, a powerful substance that affects the cell walls of yeast. When the two come into contact, the cell walls of the yeast break down, weakening it so much that it cannot survive.

A gradual increase in dosage is recommended for coconut oil ingestion. Starting with a couple of teaspoons per day and then gradually working your way up to four tablespoons per day is a common approach.

A big advantage over coconut oil? Tastes good. You can put it in a variety of foods including: smoothies and curries. It is a great substitute for standard cooking oil with a high heat tolerance and long shelf life. Use it in place of butter on toast to give your bread a nutty flavor. Or be tough and take it as is with just a little water. For those who have trouble swallowing due to the texture, tablets are available to make consumption easier.

Something I always like to pass on: make sure your coconut oil is virgin or extra virgin and free of hydrogenated oil. Hydrogenated oil has a negative impact on your health and if you have health problems to begin with, they can be made worse by frequent consumption of hydrogenated oil.

Coconut oil not only fights yeast in the body, but also has a positive impact on your overall health. It stimulates the body’s metabolism and the immune system, giving and improving the feeling of well-being and even weight loss. Since weight retention can be a sign of an internal yeast infection and since coconut oil is an effective yeast fighter, these two naturally go hand in hand.

Also, coconut oil is great for hair on skin as it decreases dryness and infection of the skin and scalp. Coconut oil is excellent for relieving eczema and dandruff. With its antioxidant qualities, it even has age-reversing qualities. Now who can argue with that?


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