No one gets out of this life unscathed, so to speak. We all have a certain number of things in our past that bother us and they will always stay with us. But what if someone is exaggerating living in their past? What if it’s the person you’re dating or planning to be serious with?

We call that scars and baggage on our radio show. For example, we had a call on the show last week where she was complaining that he had a great little girl but she had three brothers who were sucking her off and she was refusing to do anything about it.

The caller had a decision to make. In many ways, the woman was everything he was looking for, but the “baggage” of his three brothers was a drag on the relationship. He couldn’t see himself dealing with that for 20, 30, 40 years of marriage. As a man, you can affect his level of interest. Depending on your actions, you can increase his interest in you or decrease it.

However, you can’t control his integrity (he has it or he doesn’t) and you can’t control his scars and his baggage. If he’s going to let his scars and her baggage control her and the relationship, then there’s nothing you can do about it.

In our caller’s case, she wasn’t going to do anything for her siblings, so he had to make a decision. Was her interest in her so great that he could put up with the brothers and sisters continually coming for money or is it a deal breaker?

One thing to keep in mind is that she has a higher level of interest in keeping things the same with her siblings rather than making him happy. Remember guys, when you have scars and baggage, believe what you see now because it will only get worse.


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