My students constantly ask me if I believe in paying money for a goalkeeper glove cleaner that is now advertised in goalkeeper training stores.

To be honest, I don’t think it is worth the money to pay.

By the way, I’m not saying these glove cleaners are bad, they aren’t because I’ve talked to some goalkeeping students who swear by these things, but I personally prefer to save the money and not buy this cleaner then. put this saved money on a new pair of gloves.

Goalkeeper gloves are a VERY fragile product and if you wash them badly, you could easily damage them. I have done this with my gloves so many times over the years where I washed them poorly and had to throw them away, and I had only used them once!

So what do I use if I don’t use a glove cleaner?

As basic as it sounds, I only use clean warm water and DO NOT add any detergent, cleaner etc, I use plain water. This has worked very well for me in my 20+ years of playing goal at the highest level. And my gloves have always lasted a long time doing it this way, saving me money!

Another tip:

One of the things I do after a game as sad as it sounds is I jump into the shower with my gloves and clean them like this. Yes, I know very sad but it works for me.

Another thing I do is when I get home, it is fill a container with warm water and then:

1: Gently finger wash my gloves until dirt is removed.

2: Rinse my gloves.

3: Repeat numbers 1 and 2, so that you are removing all the dirt from the gloves.

Cleaning my goalkeeper gloves this way has helped my gloves last longer and retain my grip, so please give it a hit. Plus, it saves you money!

The best of the goal


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