Novelty items are interesting decorations for your study or recreation room. It can bring back memories of previous days. If you’re too young to remember nostalgic items when they were new, you can still use them to set the mood of a carefree time in history.

Double bubble watches are one-of-a-kind items that are now sold in limited production. They are a special type of watch that displays old advertisements on their watch faces. The reason they are called double bubble watches is because of their unusual construction.

There is an inner glass bubble, or crystal, on Double Bubble watches that displays the company logo. These logos are original advertising artwork. The glass bubbles of the reproductions are like those of the original watches. If you find a watch that is advertised as a double bubble watch that is made of plastic, it is nothing more than a cheap knockoff.

The hands of the clock are between this inner bubble and an outer glass bubble; hence the name of double bubble watches. The numbers are part of the outer bubble. Metal is also used in watches, for workpieces and the display of advertisements.

Double bubble watches were originally made between the 1940s and 1960s. They are now considered valuable antiques. Those who buy them pay a lot of money to have these watches in their home. The new Double Bubble watches are a savings compared to those expensive antiques. However, with the limited number of new watches being made, they are likely to become collectibles in the near future.

Once you have found the novel and nostalgic Double Bubble watches in authentic style, the next step is to decide which advertisement you would like to see. Think of your own interests to help you decide.

For example, if you are involved in auto mechanics, you might like double bubble watches from automakers. You can get a genuine Chevrolet auto parts watch that features the outdated symbol and design that the company used for years.

For a cyclist, Schwinn watches may be just what you want. There are also bicycles made by Columbia with Double Bubble watches with the nostalgic logo. For bike enthusiasts, these watches would make a good conversation starter in the home recreation room.

Coca Cola advertising is very popular with collectors. You can get brand new, authentically built Coca Cola advertising Double Bubble watches for a fraction of the price of an old one. However, you will likely have your own collector’s item soon. Another of the soda clocks is the Frostie Root Beer clock. The design has a nostalgic charm.

Double bubble watches are a great gift for your friends, your family, or even yourself. They are interesting and beautifully designed. Plus, they are collectibles. They are a great bargain on novelty decorations for your home.


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