A number of computing activities are related to Windows error 1079. This error usually appears when you try to run Desktop Window Manager, Remote Registry Event Log, Session Manager, and Event Manager. You can easily tell if you are experiencing error 1070 as your PC will experience slowdown hiccups and alerts like:

“Error 107/9: The account specified for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process.”

“Could not start the remote registry service on local computer.”

What causes the 1079 error?

Several factors cause this error to appear, but the main cause is when you try to access the Services applet when you start running the Remote Registry Service. In certain cases, your PC will not be able to support this process and as a consequence it will run slowly or crash. Operations will stop and programs will stop working. It is important to apply troubleshooting steps to allow your computer to immediately return to its normal condition.

How to fix error 1079

To start the repair, you need to disable Services from Startup in Safe Mode. This method is the diagnostic mode of your computer that allows it to operate without using any settings or third-party programs that may trigger errors within the system. To set your PC to safe mode, you need to restart your computer. After that, repeatedly click “F8” before Windows fully loads. A menu will appear showing Options and you need to choose “Safe Mode with Networking”. After that, find “Start” and you should disable the services. If you need more information on how to use safe mode, you can visit the Microsoft website.

Another way to fix this is by repairing your Windows operating system. Before you can do this, you may need to reinstall Windows. You can perform this simple task using the Windows CD installer. As soon as you reinstall Windows, you need to select “Control Panel” and then click “Device Manager” to view the drivers. Check which drivers require reinstallation to ensure that this task completes. Another step that can also be done is to update your Windows. Microsoft regularly releases updates to its wide range of software and it is recommended that you constantly get the latest Windows updates. Doing this can certainly make your operating system capable of supporting your applications and files. You can do this by selecting “Start,” followed by “All Programs,” and then clicking “Windows Update.” A list of updates will be displayed and you will have to download the necessary updates.

The final step to resolve this issue is to clean your system registry. The registry is a central database that stores important files, settings, and options. Windows reads the files it needs to run and load programs through this database. However, this sector usually gets damaged, corrupted, and clogged, making Windows unable to access the files it needs to perform its operations. While this is happening, problems and errors like error 1079 occur. To fix this problem, you need to download and run a registry cleaner like the highly recommended “Front Line Registry Cleaner”. This tool has been proven to effectively clean your system and remove all registry errors. This process will allow your PC to run smoothly and run efficiently.


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