Eyelash extensions are extensions that are added to existing eyelashes. It is a fairly painless procedure where (artificial) lashes are added to your already natural lashes. These artificial lashes are organic and lightweight, making them comfortable to wear and barely noticeable. This type of therapy improves the appearance of the eyelashes by increasing their length and making them appear thicker. These lashes are also curled so you always have that look that suggests you just stepped out of a salon.

The benefits of eyelash extensions

There are many benefits of eyelash extensions, but most of these benefits are cosmetic. For example, adding these lashes makes your lashes look thicker and longer while maintaining their natural texture. Due to the thicker lashes, your eyes also look fuller and more open, as if they have been enlarged. This draws a lot of attention to your eyes. It’s also great for people with droopy eyelids, as longer lashes make them look fresher.

How long are eyelash extensions valid for?

Today, there are numerous types of artificial eyelash extensions to choose from. Each type of extension has its own set of strengths and weaknesses in how long it takes to apply them and how long they stay fresh until it’s time to remove them. It also really depends on how fast your natural lashes grow and then fall out. Generally, lashes take 30-60 days and one or two of them fall out almost every day. That said, these lash extensions will last around four weeks, so you’ll need to replace them every 30 days.

What to consider before and after treatment

Before adding false lashes, always make sure your lashes are clean, this means they should not have any makeup residue, dirt or oil on them that could mess up the adhesive. After the procedure is finished, it is recommended to refrain from washing your face for a maximum of four hours, since contact with water will spoil the adhesive. Many estheticians will also recommend that people stay away from saunas, baths, and swimming pools for several days after their extension procedure. Women are also advised to stay away from eyelash curlers as they tend to split the lashes and furthermore you don’t need to curl them as they are already curled. If you want to wear mascara, make sure it’s water-based.

While most people will qualify for lash extensions, some with very short or weak lashes will be disqualified. There are also some infections and health problems that can prevent people from getting these types of lash extensions. If you are considering this type of procedure, be sure to consult your doctor first before visiting your esthetician.


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